World Stamps

Day Two at Europhilex: Royal Mail issues prestige booklet

May 14, 2015, 1 PM

Royal Mail issued a new prestige booklet and a set of six special stamps on Thursday, May 14, the second day of Europilex in London.

The theme continues the remembrance of the 100th year anniversary (1915) of Britain's involvement in World War I.

A special display at the international London 2015 Europhilex is "Philatellic Events that Changed the World" formed by the Club de Monte Carlo. Included is the first letter bearing stamps to cross the Atlantic, mailed on May 15, just nine days after the introduction of the Penny Black and Two-Penny Blue in 1840.

It paid the ship letter rate of 10d to Boston from London via Liverpool.  It is a unique and strikng item of postal history.

One  of the advantages of attending stamp exhibitions is that collectors get to stand in front of philatelically important items they would otherwise never get near.

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