US Stamps

August cartoon caption contest winner turns tables on questioner

Sep 8, 2023, 1 PM
The winner of the nonphilatelic line in the August cartoon caption contest featuring the 1985 22¢ Saddlebred stamp is Maura O’Connor of Pittsburgh, Pa., who turns the tables on the person asking the question.

U.S. Stamp Notes by John M. Hotchner

Linn’s readers seemed to like the choice of the 22¢ Saddlebred stamp (Scott 2157) from the 1985 Horses block of four (2158a) as the cartoon caption contest stamp for August.

There were many entries and several themes. The most often used theme was with reference to the television program, Mr. Ed, which ran for six seasons from 1961-66.

The show featured a talking horse and his slightly addled owner who was the only one who could hear Mr. Ed’s perfect English. Among the best entries for this theme is this from Steve Kotler of San Francisco, Calif.: “I wanted to audition for the speaking part of Mr. Ed, but I was just a little hoarse.”

Love was the second most popular theme, with several entries using some version of this by Rich Wolf of Westminster, Md.: “Get out of the way, I’m posing for that cute little mare over there.”

The historical importance of horses to mail delivery in the 19th century was a third theme. An example is this gem from Larry La Dassor of Stewartville, Minn.: “I tried out for the Pony Express, but I was too prancy.”

On to the winners. On the philatelic side of our contest, Robert Thompson of Mobile, Ala., takes the prize with this play on words: “Hay, let’s not spur on inflation — rein in those rate increases!”

On the nonphilatelic side, the winner is Maura O’Connor from Pittsburgh, Pa., who uses the question and answer format shown in the picture above to turn the tables on the questioner.

Both winners will receive a 13-week subscription to Linn’s (a new subscription or an extension).

Here are the best of the other runners-up:

“To get a taste for some of my former relatives, please lick the back of this stamp, and affix to any envelope,” by Greig Best of Sacramento, Calif.

“This letter better not be saddled with a surcharge!” sent by Terry Meier of Tampa, Fla.

“Why do you step the way you do? No one cleans the fields anymore,” from Scott Russell via email.

“Would you rather be a Clydesdale? Not if I have to pull Bud Light!” by Marvin Levine by email.

“I’m running for Horse of the Year, and I’m ahead in the Gallop Poll!” sent by Steve Kotler from San Francisco, Calif.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to all who entered. The next contest will be announced in the Oct. 9 issue of Linn’s.

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