US Stamps

Waterfalls, other recent U.S. and U.N. stamps receive Scott numbers

Aug 6, 2023, 9 AM
Scott catalog numbers have been assigned to the United States nondenominated (63¢) Waterfalls stamps issued June 13 in Yellowstone National Park.

Scott Catalog News by Charles Snee

Another month has passed, and that means it’s time to reveal another batch of new Scott catalog numbers.

The editors of the Scott catalogs each month assign catalog numbers to new issues from the United States, United Nations and postal services from around the world.

The new Scott numbers provided here are for recently issued U.S. and U.N. stamps and postal stationery. New Scott numbers for worldwide stamps are given in the Scott New Listings Update in Scott Stamp Monthly.

Included in this month’s listings are Scott numbers for the nondenominated (63¢) Waterfalls stamps issued June 13 in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and the nondenominated (66¢) Northern Cardinal stamped envelope issued July 9 in 10 formats. Also Scott official are the two varieties of the $25 federal duck stamp picturing tundra swans. In addition, the Scott editors assigned numbers to various U.N. stamp and postal stationery items for U.N. headquarters in New York City and the two offices in Geneva, Switzerland, and Vienna, Austria.

What do these Scott numbers signify? In short, each stamp’s listing in an upcoming edition of the 2024 Scott catalogs.

Having these numbers handy will allow you to easily locate these stamps in the Scott catalogs and learn about their production and values.

Now that you have some context, here are the new U.S. Scott numbers:

Scott Number               Description

United States

5800                            Waterfalls pane of 12

a.                                 (63c) Deer Creek Falls, AZ

b.                                 (63c) Nevada Fall, CA

c.                                 (63c) Harrison Wright Falls, PA

d.                                 (63c) Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, WY

e.                                 (63c) Waimoku Falls, HI

f.                                  (63c) Stewart Falls, UT

g.                                 (63c) Niagara Falls, NY

h.                                 (63c) Dark Hollow Falls, VA

i.                                  (63c) Grotto Falls, TN

j.                                  (63c) Sunbeam Falls, WA

k.                                 (63c) LaSalle Canyon Waterfall, IL

l.                                  (63c) Upper Falls, NC

m.                                As No. 5800, imperforate

n.                                 As No. 5800a, imperforate

o.                                 As No. 5800b, imperforate

p.                                 As No. 5800c, imperforate

q.                                 As No. 5800d, imperforate

r.                                  As No. 5800e, imperforate

s.                                 As No. 5800f, imperforate

t.                                  As No. 5800g, imperforate

u.                                 As No. 5800h, imperforate

v.                                 As No. 5800i, imperforate

w.                                As No. 5800j, imperforate

x.                                 As No. 5800k, imperforate

y.                                 As No. 5800l, imperforate

U702                           (66c) Northern Cardinal stamped envelope

RW90                          $25 Tundra Swans Hunting Permit Stamp, self-adhesive

RW90A                       $25 Tundra Swans Hunting Permit Stamp, self-adhesive, souvenir sheet of 1

United Nations – New York

1309                            $1.40 New Year 2023 – Rabbit facing right, + label

1310                            $1.40 New Year 2023 – Rabbit facing left, + label

a.                                 Horiz. pair, #1309-1310 + 2 labels

1311                            $1.45 Endangered Species – Bighorn sheep

1312                            $1.45 Endangered Species – Morelet’s crocodile

1313                            $1.45 Endangered Species – Bald eagle

1314                            $1.45 Endangered Species – Cape aloe

a.                                 Block of 4, #1311-1314

1315                            Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries souvenir sheet of 3

a.                                 $1.45 “From Potential to Prosperity”

b.                                 2.30fr “Du Potentiel a la Prosperitee”

c.                                 €1.90 “Vom Potenzial zum Wohlstand”

1316                            United Nations Emblem horiz. pair + 2 labels

a.                                 $1.45 Text in English + label

b.                                 1.10fr Text in French + label

1317                            63c World Art Day – Reclining Figure, sculpture by Henry Moore

1318                            $1.45 World Art Day – Tapestry made by Pinton Freres of art by Le Corbusier

U46                             58c+2c stamped envelope (on No. U44)

U47                             58c+2c stamped envelope (on No. U45)

United Nations – Geneva

726                              1.80fr Endangered Species – Equus przewalskii

727                              1.80fr Endangered Species – Chelonia mydas

728                              1.80fr Endangered Species – Gymnogyps californianus

729                              1.80fr Endangered Species – Dalbergia saxatilis

a.                                 Block of 4, #726-729

730                              1.10fr World Art Day – Soleil Eclatant, painting by Rosa Maria Pujol-Avellana

731                              2.30fr World Art Day – Colombe de la Paix, sculpture by Toshihiro Hamano

United Nations - Vienna

704                              €1.20 Endangered Species – Megaptera novaeangliae

705                              €1.20 Endangered Species – Saiga tatarica

706                              €1.20 Endangered Species – Lynx pardinus

707                              €1.20 Endangered Species – Galanthus elwesii

a.                                 Block of 4, #704-707

708                              €1 World Art Day – Der Fall des Ikarus, painting by Pablo Picasso

709                              €1.90 World Art Day – Die Geister der Ahnen, by Yves Pede

All of the numbers will appear in the Scott New Listings Update section of the August 2023 Scott Stamp Monthly. For further information, contact Martin J. Frankevicz.

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