
ASDA president proposes council of hobby leaders

Oct 3, 2014, 5 AM

Mark Reasoner, the president of the American Stamp Dealers Association, has proposed the creation of a standing council of 11 hobby leaders and representatives with three important goals: recruit Internet-only collectors and dealers into organized philately, create new collectors from adults over age 50, and publicize the hobby and enhance the hobby’s image.

Reasoner offered his proposal in the September issue of American Stamp Dealer and Collector, the monthly magazine published by the ASDA.

The purpose of the council, Reasoner explained, would be to oversee and provide resources for three committees or teams, each focusing on one of the three goals of the council.

“Each of these three teams would be composed of any number of collectors, dealers, or hobby officials with expertise, interest, or experience in the team’s theme,” Reasoner said.

Reasoner suggested that the council have seven permanent seats filled by two representatives each from the American Philatelic Society and the ASDA (ideally the executive director and president of each organization), and one each from the American Topical Association, the National Postal Museum and the United States Postal Service.

Four rotating seats would be filled by members from other organizations, serving two-year to four-year terms.

“When I agreed to run for ASDA President, I did so out of a sense of commitment and obligation to a hobby that has meant a great deal to me,” Reasoner wrote. “I also had a strong sense that we in the hobby could do more, much more, to work together to expand philately.”

Reasoner expressed a concern that not enough is being done on a large organized scale to create new collectors who would eventually increase the APS membership and the ranks of stamp dealers. He said that there isn’t a single entity that can evaluate and implement the many ideas and suggestions that arise for improving the state of the hobby, and he hopes that his proposed council will fulfill that function.

Reasoner plans to evaluate comments about his proposal and provide additional details in the future.

The ASDA is celebrating its 100th year representing all segments of the stamp-hobby marketplace and promoting stamp-collecting and the stamp industry.

Additional information about the ASDA is available online at