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U.S. Postal Service tops Gallup poll favorite agency list once again

Jan 17, 2018, 10 AM
United States Postal Service mail delivery vehicle. U.S. Postal Service photograph.

Washington Postal Scene by Bill McAllister

President Donald Trump may have some problems with the United States Postal Service, but most Americans don’t.

That’s the finding of the Gallup polling organization, which found in a December survey that U.S. Postal Service remains the most favorite federal agency with a 74 percent positive rating.

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Secret Service follow the Postal Service as the second and third most respected government agencies in the Gallup poll.

Most agency ratings have increased since 2014, Gallup said, adding that some of the increase may be “attributable to the change in power in the White House.”

“The USPS, though at the top of the list in 2017, joins the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration and the FBI in not receiving significantly higher ratings this year than in 2014,” Gallup said in a news release Jan. 2.

The Postal Service’s latest rating grew 2 percent from 2014 levels, the news release said.

Overall, Gallup attributed the rise of agency admiration to “more positive ratings from Republicans.”

It noted that Republicans are “more positive than Democrats about the government and the state of the country.”

That contrasted with weaker GOP support for federal agencies when Democrat Barack Obama was president.

The poll was taken before President Trump attacked the U.S. Postal Service’s contract with in a tweet on Dec. 29, saying the retail giant should pay more in postage.

Gallup found a 12 point difference in the favorable ratings of Republicans and Democrats on the Postal Service: 66 percent of Republicans hold a favorable image of the Postal Service compared to 78 percent of Democrats.