US Stamps

Back to school for September cartoon caption contest

Sep 1, 2022, 9 AM
The cartoon caption contest image for September is the United States 1957 3¢ School Teachers issue showing a teacher and students. Entries must be received by Sept. 23 for a chance to win a prize.

U.S. Stamp Notes by John M. Hotchner

As I am writing this, another fall opening of schools is just around the corner. No longer do we take this for granted after the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on in-person classes. And as each new variant follows the last, there are whispers about the possible need to do it again. It’s a complex issue, and the only opinion I will venture is in-person is much better than virtual learning.

But what do teachers and students think? That’s of far greater importance, and we have a stamp we can use for the September cartoon caption contest that gives us a chance to think about their opinions.

Some of us are or have been teachers, and all of us have been students. So, everyone is invited to participate.

The stamp is the 1957 3¢ School Teachers issue (Scott 1093). The subject would probably be portrayed differently today, 65 years after the stamp was issued, but that should not distract us.

Your task is to put yourself in the role of the teacher or one of the students and tell me what she or he might be saying or thinking about COVID-19, the state of education today, how education is treated on U.S. stamps, or anything else that occurs to you.

Entries with a touch of humor or irony stand the best chance of winning the contest.

There will be two prizes given to the winners: one for the best philatelic line and one for the best nonphilatelic line.

Put your entry (or entries) on a postcard if possible and send it to me, John Hotchner, Cartoon Contest, Box 1125, Falls Church, VA 22041-0125; or email it to If you send an email, it is essential that you include your postal mailing address.

For each winner, the prize will be a 13-week subscription to Linn’s (a new subscription or an extension).

Entries must reach me no later than Sept. 23.

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