US Stamps

Napex stamp show report

Nov 1, 2021, 2 PM
Three photographs of the exhibit awards presentations at the Napex stamp show: Rick Gibson, exhibit awards chair, shows the top multiframe grand award that went to Alfredo Frolich; Wayne Farley receives the reserve multiframe grand; and Stephen Rose won t

Philatelic Foreword by Jay Bigalke

The stamp show circuit continues on, even with a few national shows being canceled in October.

In late October, I attended the Napex stamp show in McLean, Va. Attendance wasn’t quite what I remember it being the last time I was at the show, but it was still strong enough for dealers to be successful. At least that is what I heard at the show.

On the opening day, Friday, Oct. 22, there was a decent line of collectors waiting for the show to open. On Saturday that line was even longer. Sunday was a different story because attendance was light that day.

The Napex stamp show typically takes place in early June and was rescheduled to the Oct. 22-24 dates for just this year. Next year’s show is scheduled to be held June 3-5, 2022.

The exhibit banquet was well done with a reception before and a steak dinner prepared by the Hilton hotel.

Napex show chair William “Bill” Fort welcomed everyone to the dinner. John Hotchner (Linn’s U.S. Stamp Notes columnist) served as the chief exhibit judge and announced all of the exhibit winners.

Alfredo Frolich won the multiframe grand exhibit award for his exhibit “Delaware Postal History, 1772-1847.” Frolich was not at the banquet, but Rick Gibson, the exhibit awards chair, showed everyone Frolich’s award, a porcelain bowl illustrating four stages of the U.S. capitol.

The multiframe reserve grand award went to Wayne Farley for his exhibit “West Virginia Stampless Postal History.” He received a crystal bowl showing the U.S. capitol.

And lastly, the single-frame grand award was won by Stephen Rose for his exhibit “U.S. Orange Special Delivery Stamps of 1893.” He also received a U.S. capitol crystal bowl.

It was nice to see a stamp show banquet taking place again. A few photos of the award recipients are shown nearby.

For those interested in reading the rest of the exhibit award winners for Napex, visit the show’s website.

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