US Stamps

Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library offers higher education scholarships for community outreach

Jun 4, 2024, 8 AM
The Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library in Denver, Colo., offers two scholarships annually for students who have philatelic interests. This graphic is used to promote the scholarship offered through the website

Philatelic Foreword by Jay Bigalke

In late May, I had the pleasure of attending Rompex 2024, also known as the Rocky Mountain Stamp Show for those unfamiliar with the “pex” suffix for naming stamp shows. While at the show, I had many wonderful conversations with the team who organized the show, many of whom are also involved with the Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library in Denver, Colo.

One of those conversations was with Regina Domenici, the recording secretary for the library. She asked me if I had ever heard about the scholarship program the library offers called “Special Delivery of Dreams Scholarship.”

I hadn’t heard about the program, and she was very kind in providing information. I want to share this information with Scott Stamp Monthly readers, in case they know someone attending either a two-year college or trade school program.

Each year since 2022, the library has awarded two $2,500 scholarships, ideally to “a philatelist or a member of a philatelic family,” according to the library.

“To apply, tell us about a challenge you’ve overcome, how this scholarship will help you give back, and how you would encourage young people to pursue philately,” states the student assistance website hosting the scholarship offer for the library.

The next application period for the scholarship opens on June 10.

The library website with additional information about the scholarship can be found online. Those with questions about the program can email the library at

For more information about the Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library, visit the library online.

The library is located at 2038 S. Pontiac Way, Denver, CO 80224. The library can be reached via email at

The library is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On Thursdays, it is also open from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

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