US Stamps

September cartoon contest winner remembers the good old days

Oct 19, 2022, 1 PM
The winner of the philatelic part of the September cartoon caption contest is Robert Rufe of Hockessin, Del., who recalls the good old days. The next U.S. Stamp Notes cartoon caption contest will be announced in the Nov. 14 issue of Linn’s.

U.S. Stamp Notes by John M. Hotchner

The prevailing theme used by readers in the September cartoon caption contest featuring the 1957 3¢ School Teachers issue (Scott 1093), had to do with the differences that developed over the 65 years since the stamp was issued.

Today’s reliance on computers is certainly a major category of change, and Stephen Brett of Glen Ellen, Calif., captures this nicely with this line: “Children, 50 years from now, books like this will plug into a wall and turn their own pages!”

Even more direct is this entry from Dave Schwartz, of Commack, N.Y.: “Mrs. Murphy, what is that thing you’re holding in your hand?”

COVID-19 figured in several entries. This one reflecting the end of the pandemic, from Clyde Hold of Ketchem, Idaho, is the nonphilatelic line winner: “Yes, kids, you may save your COVID masks to use for Halloween this year.”

Our philatelic line winner is Robert Rufe of Hockessin, Del., whose entry is shown here. I doubt that there are many school stamp clubs anymore.

Both winners will receive a 13-week subscription to Linn’s (a new subscription or an extension).

Here are the best of the other runners-up:

“And in this country, they pay their teachers a livable salary,” from Rich Wolf of Westminster, Md.

“Yes, Johnny, this is where Alaska is. They hope to become a State someday,” by Arthur Stephen Patrick of Apopka, Fla.

“Whoever put the tack on my chair will get a rap on the knuckles with my ruler!” from Edgar Dunlap of Gainesville, Ga.

“What do you mean, we have to study basic math and learn to write cursive?!” sent by Spike Savage of Presque Isle, Maine.

“Before email, people wrote letters and sent them using a postage stamp. What, you don’t know what a stamp is?” from Steve Kotler of San Francisco, Calif.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to all who entered. The next contest will be announced in the Nov. 14 issue of Linn’s.

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