World Stamps

Luff awards to Grabowski, Drews, Klug

Aug 14, 2014, 12 PM

The recipients of the American Philatelic Society’s 2014 John N. Luff awards are Edward J.J. Grabowski, Richard E. Drews and Janet Klug.

Three awards are presented annually to recognize distinguished philatelic research (Grabowski), exceptional contributions to philately (Drews) and outstanding service to the APS (Klug).

The award was established in 1940 in memory of John N. Luff (1860-1938), the former APS president and Scott catalog editor who was considered the most prominent American philatelist of his era. It is presented for meritorious contributions to philately by living philatelists.

Grabowski, an expert and researcher in the areas of French colonies general issues, the colonial type group and Guadeloupe, developed his interest in philately in the late 1940s and later joined the France and Colonies Philatelic Society to follow his developing interests.

He received his first international gold award at Philexfrance in 1999, and was awarded the International Federation of Philately (FIP) grand prix d’honneur at the Washington 2006 World Philatelic Exhibition for his exhibit “Guadeloupe (1851-1915).” He has also exhibited Reunion, Madagascar, and the French allegorical group type.

His original philatelic research has resulted in numerous articles for the American Philatelist, Collectors Club Philatelist, the France and Colonies Philatelist and other publications, and talks before philatelic groups in the United States and abroad.

Grabowski is the president of the Collectors Club of New York, a former president of the France and Colonies Philatelic Society, and a fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London. He serves on the APS Expert Committee.

Drews is also an award-winning exhibitor, taking home the 1997 APS Champion of Champions award for his exhibit “U.S. Issues of 1861-1868,” and achieving large gold recognition in international competition. His research in U.S. issues and forgeries has resulted in new and revised listings in the Scott catalogs.

He served as a board member of the 1986 Ameripex international show and as executive director of the 1992 World Columbian Stamp Expo. His contributions to the hobby include serving as a nationally accredited philatelic judge since 1984 and as an FIP-level international judge.

Drews established Stamp King in Chicago and Richard E. Drews Philatelic Auctions, and has sponsored the grand award for the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors youth Champion of Champions award and the APS Stampshow youth grand award.

Always active in both local and national philatelic activities, Drews also has taught at the APS summer seminar and serves as an expert for the nation’s leading philatelic expertizing organizations.

Klug is a former APS president and current chair of the U.S. Postal Service’s Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee. A prolific writer, she currently authors both the Stamp Collecting Basics column and the Down Under column in Linn’s Stamp News, and has also contributed to Scott Stamp Monthly, the American Philatelist and other publications, earning APS Writers Unit Hall of Fame recognition in 2010.

Her research articles have appeared in several specialized publications, and she has written the books Guide to Stamp Collecting and, with Donald Sundman, 100 Greatest American Stamps.

She served as vice chair of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum’s Council of Philatelists, and chair of the museum’s New Initiatives Committee. She was appointed to the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee in 2010.

Her APS contributions include serving as president from 2003-07, vice president from 2001-03, secretary from 1997-2001, and as an APS board member for 16 consecutive years.

She was chair of the APS Committee on Accreditation of National Exhibitions and Judges, and served on the Finance, Long Range Planning, Awards, and Chapter Activities Committees.

The society notes that her leadership led to the Campaign for Philately to increase resources for the APS and the American Philatelic Research Library.

A Luff award presentation to this year’s recipients was scheduled during the 2014 APS Stampshow awards banquet taking place Aug. 23 in Hartford, Conn.