World Stamps

Slew of United Nations stamps are now Scott official

Jan 3, 2017, 12 PM
The United Nations Postal Administration highlighted its 17 sustainable development goals on stamps issued Oct. 24, United Nations Day. All of the stamps now have Scott numbers.

Another batch of new Scott numbers is in.

The editors of the Scott catalogs each month assign catalog numbers to new issues from the U.S. and postal services from around the world.

All new Scott numbers detailed here are for U.S. and U.N. stamps. New Scott numbers for worldwide stamps are given in the Scott New Listings Update in the expanded monthly issue of Linn's Stamp News.

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To start the new year, a number of United Nations issues have been given Scott Catalog numbers. The Sustainable Developmental Goals sheet of 17 also highlights this extensive batch. 

What do these Scott numbers signify? In short, these stamps’ place in upcoming editions of the Scott catalogs.

Having these numbers handy will allow you to easily locate these stamps in the catalogs and learn about their production and values.

Enough explaining. Here is your January batch of new U.S. and U.N. Scott numbers:

United States

CVP100: (47c) Computer-vended stamp with Wreath in Window

United Nations – New York

1145: World Wildlife Conference sheet of 4

a. $1.15 Addax

b. $1.15 White rhinoceros

c. $1.15 African lion

d. $1.15 Disa uniflora

1146: World Post Day sheet of 10 + 10 labels

a. $1.15 Mailbox from Japan + label

b. $1.15 Mailbox from Spain + label

c. $1.15 Mailbox from Germany + label

d. $1.15 Mailbox from Brazil + label

e. $1.15 Mailbox from China + label

f. $1.15 Mailbox from Denmark + label

g. $1.15 Mailbox from India + label

h. $1.15 Mailbox from Austria + label

i. $1.15 Mailbox from England + label

j. $1.15 Mailbox from United States + label

1147: Sustainable Development Goals sheet of 17 + label

a. 47c Inscribed “1 No poverty”

b. 47c Inscribed “2 Zero hunger”

c. 47c Inscribed “3 Good health and well-being”

d. 47c Inscribed “4 Quality education”

e. 47c Inscribed “5 Gender equality”

f. 47c Inscribed “6 Clean water and sanitation”

g. 47c Inscribed “7 Affordable and clean energy”

h. 47c Inscribed “8 Decent work and economic growth”

i. 47c Inscribed “9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure”

j. 47c Inscribed “10 Reduced inequalities”

k. 47c Inscribed “11 Sustainable cities and communities”

l. 47c Inscribed “12 Responsible consumption and production”

m. 47c Inscribed “13 Climate action”

n. 47c Inscribed “14 Life below water”

o. 47c Inscribed “15 Life on land”

p. 47c Inscribed “16 Peace, justice and strong institutions”

q. 47c Inscribed “17 Partnerships for the goals”

1148: Monkey King sheet of 3

a. $1.15 Inscriptions in English

b. 2fr Inscriptions in French

c. €1.70 Inscriptions in German

United Nations – Geneva

628: World Wildlife Conference sheet of 4

a. 2fr Grue royale (gray-crowned crane)

b. 2fr Mantella madagascariensis

c. 2fr Gorille des montagnes (mountain gorilla)

d. 2fr Avonia quinaria

629: Sustainable Development Goals sheet of 17 + label

a. 1fr Inscribed “1 Pas de pauvreté”

b. 1fr Inscribed “2 Faim zéro”

c. 1fr Inscribed “3 Bonne santé et bien-être”

d. 1fr Inscribed “4 Education de qualité”

e. 1fr Inscribed “5 Egalité entre les sexes”

f. 1fr Inscribed “6 Eau proper et assainissement”

g. 1fr Inscribed “7 Energie proper et d’un coût abordable”

h. 1fr Inscribed “8 Travail décent et croissance économique”

i. 1fr Inscribed “9 Industrie, innovation et infrastructure”

j. 1fr Inscribed “10 Inégalités réduites”

k. 1fr Inscribed “11 Villes et communautés durables”

l. 1fr Inscribed “12 Consommation et productions responsables”

m. 1fr Inscribed “13 Mesures relatives à la lutte contre les changements climatiques”

n. 1fr Inscribed “14 Vie aquatique”

o. 1fr Inscribed “15 Vie terrestre”

p. 1fr Inscribed “16 Paix, justice et institutions efficaces”

q. 1fr Inscribed “17 Partneriats pour la realization des objetifs”

United Nations – Vienna

595: 80c Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization, 20th Anniv. + label

596: World Wildlife Conference sheet of 4

a. €1.70 Nilkrokodil (Nile crocodile)

b. €1.70 Kapgeier (Cape vulture)

c. €1.70 Steppenschuppentier (Cape pangolin)

d. €1.70 Mystacidium capense

597: Sustainable Development Goals sheet of 17 + label

a. 68c Inscribed “1 Keine armut”

b. 68c Inscribed “2 Kein hunger”

c. 68c Inscribed “3 Gesundheit und wohlergehen”

d. 68c Inscribed “4 Hochwertige bildung”

e. 68c Inscribed “5 Geschlechter-gleighheit”

f. 68c Inscribed “6 Sauberes wasser und sanitär-einrichtungen”

g. 68c Inscribed “7 Bezahlbare und saubere energie”

h. 68c Inscribed “8 Menschenwürdige arbeit und wirtschafts-wachstum”

i. 68c Inscribed “9 Industrie, innovation und infrastruktur”

j. 68c Inscribed “10 Weniger ungleichheiten”

k. 68c Inscribed “11 Nachhaltige städte und gemeinden”

l. 68c Inscribed “12 Nachhaltige/r konsum und producktion”

m. 68c Inscribed “13 Massnahmen zum klimaschutz”

n. 68c Inscribed “14 Leben unter wasser”

o. 68c Inscribed “15 Lebeb an land”

p. 68c Inscribed “16 Frieden, gerechtigkeit und starke institutionen”

q. 68c Inscribed “17 Partnerschaften sur erreichung der ziele”

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