World Stamps

U.N. stationery surcharged

May 3, 2021, 1 AM

The United Nations Postal Administration will issue surcharged versions of U.N./New York postal stationery June 6 to meet new United States Postal Service rates that went into effect earlier this year, on Jan. 26.

A 3¢ surcharge was added to the 46¢ standard (No. 6¾) and large-size (No. 10) Circle and Dots envelopes (Scott U34-U35) to meet the 49¢ domestic rate. For the new $1.15 international letter rate, a 5¢ surcharge was added to the $1.10 Circle and Dots air letter sheet (Scott UC31). The original envelopes and air letter sheet were issued March 5, 2013.

For ordering information, visit the online UNPA shop at, or contact the UNPA, Box 5900, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163-5900; e-mail; telephone 800-234-8672; or fax 212-963-9854.