Postal Administrations Of The World
Most countries maintain an agency or bureau through which they sell their recent and current postal issues direct to collectors or dealers. These issues can include mint or canceled-to-order stamps, first-day covers, postal stationery, postmarks and other items.
Each agency has its own set of regulations governing ordering instructions, acceptable methods of payment and deadline for ordering. Many bureaus and agencies offer standing-order accounts. A minimum deposit is usually required to open such an account. Unless otherwise stated, the monetary amounts given are in U.S. dollars.
Therefore, interested collectors should write to the desired agency to find out individual requirements and procedures.
Many countries' postal administrations produce philatelic bulletins detailing recent and/or upcoming postal issues. The administrations make these announcements available to interested collectors either for a nominal fee or for free.
Some countries do not sell their postal paper in small amounts direct to collectors. Rather they sell stamps and other items only in large quantities to dealers and wholesalers. The following listings include such information when known.
You should print or type your name and address clearly on all correspondence, especially to non-English-speaking nations, in order to prevent delays or nonreplies. Also, make sure to include the United States or the country in which you live as part of your address.
When sending inquiries or orders to a foreign country, it is best to use airmail. Surface mail can take several weeks to reach its destination.
Enclosure of two International Reply Coupons aids in facilitating a reply from many countries. IRCs are usually available at any post office in the United States and abroad.
The remittance of funds by personal check is always subject to collection or negotiation charges, thus reducing the actual payment value of said remittance. Collectors are advised not to send cash.
Currency exchange rates are omitted because of continual fluctuation. The latest exchange rates can be ascertained through a local banking establishment.
The addresses in the following listings are the bureaus' mailing addresses. A country's over-the-counter sales agency can be in a different section of the stipulated city or even in a different city altogether.
A listing of the agency or agencies that represent a country in the United States, plus other agents that represent a country in other parts of the world, is included in with a country's listing where applicable.
The information in the listings, including the telephone numbers, e-mail address and Internet addresses, were provided by the agencies. Linn's makes no guarantees about the accuracy of these numbers and addresses. Also, these numbers and addresses can change more frequently than mailing addresses. However, mailing addresses and agents in the United States can change as well.
Standard abbreviations used throughout this listing of postal agencies are as follows:
BD = Bank Deposit.
BPO = British Postal Order.
CBC = Certified Bank Check.
CDA = Certified Deposit Account.
CTO = Canceled to Order.
FDC = First Day Covers.
IBD = International Bank Draft.
IMO = International Money Order.
IRC = International Reply Coupon.
PC = Personal Check.
SODA = Standing-Order Deposit Account.
USMO = United States Money Order.
USPSMO = U.S. Postal Service Money Order.
Afghanistan — Director of Posts, Philatelic Section, Box 1190, Kabul, Afghanistan. Details of services not provided.
Aitutaki — Aitutaki Post Office, Aitutaki, Cook Islands, South Pacific Ocean. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Philatelic Collector Inc., Box 3162, Sag Harbor, NY 11963, United States.
Aland — Filateliservicen, Box 100, FIN-22101 Mariehamn, Aland, Finland. Phone: 358-18-636 641 (English), 358-18-636 638 (German), 358-18-636 643 (French), 358-18-636 639 (Swedish), 358-18-636 640 (Finnish). Fax: 358-18-636 608. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, first-day covers (must be ordered before date of issue), postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information or material; service charge of 5 markka for single orders of less than 100mk; SODA available; service charge of 5mk for orders of less than 5mk; IRCs accepted; credit cards accepted. Government Agencies: Nordica Inc., Box 284, Old Bethpage, NY 11804, United States; De Rosa International SA, Via Privata Maria Teresa, 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; Chang Zone International Co. Ltd., Box 78-110, Taipei, Taiwan.
Albania — Albanian Post, Rreshit Colloiku Str., Tirana, Albania. Phone: 003554229696. Fax: 00355 4232133. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. CBC, BD, PC accepted.
Alderney — Guernsey Philatelic Bureau, Postal Headquarters, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1AB, Channel Islands, via Great Britain. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Algeria — Alger-Gare Ministere des Postes et Telecommunicatiens Direction des Services Postaux AGENCE Comptable des Timbres-poste 4, BD Krim Belkacem 16000, Alger-Gare Algeria. Phone: 213 261 78 32. Fax: 213 2 73 18 23. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, and postal stationery. SODA available. IMO accepted. Government Agency: Theodore Champion, Paris Montholon BP3, F75430 Paris Cedex 9, France.
Andorra (French) — Service National des Timbres-poste et de la Philatalie, Ingenierie et Vente des Timbres-poste et des Produits Philateliques, 111 Boulevard Brune, 75675 Paris Cedex 14, France. Details of services not provided.
Andorra (Spanish) — Organismo Autonomo de Correos y Telegrafos, Servicio Filatelico Internacional, Palacio de Comunicaciones, 28070 Madrid, Spain. Details of services not provided.
Angola — Centro Filatelico de Angola, Lda., C.P. 2688, Luanda, Angola. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Anguilla — The Postmaster, General Post Office, The Valley, Anguilla, West Indies. Phone: 264-497-2528. Fax: 264-497-5455. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, inscription blocks, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, and other philatelic material. SODA with minimum balance of US $20. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD, USPSMO accepted. Government Agency: John Lister Ltd., Manor Farm House, Common Road Dorney, Berks, SL4 6PX, England, United Kingdom.
Antigua-Barbuda — Antigua-Barbuda Philatelic Bureau, Antigua-Barbuda Post Office, St. John's, Antigua, West Indies. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Argentina — Correo Argentino, Departamento de Filatelia, C.C. 4224 Correo Central, 1000, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Details of services not provided.
Armenia — HayPost CJSC, 22 Saryan St., Yerevan 0002, Republic of Armenia. Email:; Phone: 37410 514 737; 37410 514 514. Fax: 37410 539256. Internet site:; Details of services not provided.
Aruba — Postal Service of Aruba, J. Irausquinplein No. 9, Oranjestad, Aruba. Details of services not provided.
Ascension — Postmaster, Georgetown, Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Australia — Australian Philatelic Bureau, Box 4000, Ferntree Gully, Victoria 3156, Australia. Phone: 61 3 9887 0033. Fax: 61 3 9887 0236. Internet Site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, gutter strips (with or without special design or text) and other philatelic material. SODA available with initial deposit of A$40. Also deals with stamps from the Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands (territories), Fiji, Nauru, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Islands and Western Samoa. CBC and PC (provided it can be cashed in Australia), BD, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club cards accepted. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. Government Agencies: Australian Stamp Agency in North America (Unicover World Trade Corp.), 1 Unicover Center, Cheyenne, WY 82008-0010, United States.; Harry Allen, Broadsword House, 1-5 Brixton Road, Watford Herts, England WD2 5AB, United Kingdom; Australia Post Agent, c/o Nordfrim, DK 5450 Otterup, Denmark; Australian Stamp Bureau, c/o Georg Roll Stamps, Box 130, 26925 Elsfleth, Germany; Kowloon Philatelic Centre, RM 104-105, 169 Portland St., Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; TMA Stamps, Metro Plaza Pasar Baru, Lantai 1 BKS22, Jakarta, Indonesia; Australian Stamp Bureau, c/o De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I 20123 Milan, Italy; Australian Stamp Bureau, c/o British & Overseas Philatelic Agency, Box 80, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-91; Australian Stamp Bureau, c/o J.A. Visser, Wijnstraat 141, 3311 BV Dordrecht, The Netherlands; James Song Philatelics, 317 Outram Road #02-22, Concorde Hotel Shopping Centre, Singapore, 0316; Australian Stamp Bureau, c/o De Rosa Novedades SA, Ronda San Pedro, 16, 5-2, 08010 Barcelona, Spain; De Rosa International SA, Box 68, CH-6830, Chiasso 8, Switzerland; Philatelic Mail Order Service, Box 5-468, Taipei 100, Taiwan; Oriental Stamp Centre, 1196 New Road, Bangkok 10500, Thailand.
Australian Antarctic Territory — Australian Philatelic Bureau, Box 4000, Ferntree Gully, Victoria 3156, Australia. Details of services not provided.
Austria — Post and Telekon Austria AG, Sammler-Service, Steinheilgasse 1; A-1211 Vienna, Austria. Phone: 43 1 250 25 0. Fax: 43 1 250 25 54 83. Deals with individual orders for stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, commemorative cards, maximum cards, information sheets. SODA available. Postal order, bank transfer, PC accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Azerbaijan — Postmaster, Bureau de Poste, Baku, Azerbaijan. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Azores — CTT Correios de Portugal SA, Servicos de Filatelia, Avenida Casal Ribeiro 28, 1049-52 Lisbon, Portugal. Details of services not provided.
Bahamas — Bahamas Philatelic Bureau, Box N-8302, Nassau, Bahamas. Fax: 242-328-2220. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number or inscription blocks, and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $1. CBC, IBD, USPSMO, British postal orders accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Bahrain — Philatelic Bureau, Postal Directorate, Box 1212, Manama, State of Bahrain, Arabian Gulf. Phone: 973 523403. Fax: 937 533455. SODA with minimum balance of $25. Orders shipped postage extra. IRCs, CBC, BD, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, accepted. Government Agency: Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom.
Bangladesh — Office of the Director General, Bangladesh Post Office, Dhaka -1000, Bangladesh. Fax: 880-2-9563314. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and special postmarks or envelopes. SODA with minimum balance of $3. PC, IMO, USPSMO accepted.
Barbados — Philatelic Bureau, GPO, Cheapside, Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies. Phone: 436-4800 ext. 226 or 426-0381 Fax: 429-8178 or 429-4118. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and plate number blocks. SODA with minimum balance of $20. Orders shipped postage extra. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD, USPSMO accepted. Government Agencies: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency, Box 80, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-91, Japan.
Barbuda — Antigua-Barbuda Philatelic Services Ltd., Barbuda Post Office, Box 1144, Codrington, Barbuda, Via Antigua, West Indies. Details of services not provided.
Belarus — Republican State Association Belpochta, Publishing Centre Marka, 10 Avenue F. Skaryna, 220050, Minsk, Belarus. Phone: 375 172 275472 or 375 172277994. Fax: 375 172 261170. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, newsletters, catalogs and other philatelic material. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, IMO and IBD accepted. Also handles stamps from Russia and the Ukraine. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Philagentur GmbX, Feldbergstrasse 57, D-61440 Oberursel, Germany; Latvijas Filatelistu Saveniba, Brivibas gatve 234, LV-1039 Riga, Latvia; Eurofila LTD, Box 1099, 3042 Kaunas, Lithuania; Truls Hansen International, Box 423, N-2601 Lillehammer, Norway; St. Petersburg Stamps, 27 Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboedoeva, 191186, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Belgium — Philapost Marketing, Postage Stamps & Philatelic Dept., Egide Walschaertsstraat 1, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium. Fax: 015/285 816. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, postal stationery, special postmarks, plate number and inscriptions blocks, franking labels and year packs. SODA available. Visa and MasterCard accepted. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD accepted if drawn on a Belgian bank. All orders under 500 Belgian franks are charged with a 50fr handling fee. Airmail fees are also applied. Government Agencies: Belgium Stamp Agency in North America (Unicover World Trade Corp.), 1 Unicover Center, Cheyenne, WY 82008-0026, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Belize — Belize Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag No. 1, Belize City, Belize, Central America. Phone: 02-77380, 72201. Fax: 02-30936. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information or material. SODA with minimum balance of $25. Orders shipped postage extra. IRC, CBC, IBD, IMO accepted. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Benin — Office des Postes et Telecommunications, Cotonou, Republique Populaire du Benin. Details of services not provided.
Bermuda — Bermuda Philatelic Bureau, GPO, Hamilton, HMPM, Bermuda. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States.
Bhutan — General Manager (Stamps), Philatelic Bureau, GPO Building, Thimphu, Bhutan. Phone: 975 2 22296. Fax: 975 2 23108. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks and envelopes and other items. SODA with minimum balance of $50. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IBD accepted. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Bolivia — Direccion Nacional de Correos, Seccion Filatelica, La Paz, Bolivia. Phone: 00591-2-374145 ext. 3114. Fax: 00591-2-391620. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted.
Bosnia-Herzegovina — J.P. PTT Saobracaja Bosnia-Herzegovina, Public Enterprise PTT, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Philagentur, Zimmersmuehlenweg 77, D-61440, Oberursel, Germany.
Botswana — Department of Postal Service, Philatelic Bureau, Box 100, Gaborone, Botswana. Phone: 353131 or 352806. Fax: 313599. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate numbers and promotional items. SODA with minimum balance of $30. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. IBD (in Botswana currency), IMO accepted. Also handles United Nations stamps. Government Agency: Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; National Printing and Packaging, Box ST83, Southerton, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Brazil — Divisao Central Filatelica, DICF/ DEFIL, SCS-Quadra 5 Lotes 22/24, Galeria Nova Ouvidor, 70305-920, Brasilia-DF-Brasil. Phone: 5561 317-1808 or 317-1532 (communication only in Portuguese). Fax: 5561 224-7460. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. Orders shipped postage extra. IMO, USPSMO, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Diners Club, and Sollo accepted with authorization. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Nordfrim, Kvindevadet 42, DK-5450 Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion, Paris Montholon BP3, F75430 Paris Cedex 9, France; Georg Roll Nachfolger, Hafenstrasse, 8 Box 130, D-26925-Elsfleth, Germany; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; Correios de Portugal, Av. Casal Ribeiro, Ribeiro 28, 1049-52 Lisbon, Portugal.
British Antarctic Territory — Philatelic Bureau, Stanley, Falkland Islands. Phone: 00500 27159. Fax: 00500 27160. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate numbers and inscription blocks and other philatelic material. SODA available. CBC, PC (UK and USA only), IMO, IBD and USMO accepted. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. Government Agency:Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
British Indian Ocean Territory — Postmaster General, Post Office, Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory, Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean, via Singapore. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
British Virgin Islands — Philatelic Bureau, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Brunei — Philatelic Bureau, Postal Services Dept., M.P.C. Old Airport, Berakas BB3510, Brunei Darussalam. Fax: 02-383130. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate numbers and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of BND$30.00. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. IBD accepted. Handles stamps of Malaysia Post, Singapore Post and Thailand Postal Authority. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Bulgaria — Ministere du Transport et Communications, Service Philatelique Postal, 44 Rue Dencoglou, Sofia, Bulgaria. Details of services not provided.
Burkina Faso — Service Philatelique, Offices des Postes et Telecommunications, Ougodougou, Burkina Faso. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001.
Burundi — Agence Philatelique du Burundi, Boite Postale 45, Bujumbura, Burundi. Details of services not provided.
Cambodia — Agence Philatelique, Direction Generale des PTT, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Details of services not provided.
Cameroon — Principale Philatelique, Centre Philatelique PTT, Yaounde, Cameroon. Details of sevices not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Canada — Canada Post, National Philatelic Centre, 75 St. Ninian St., Antigonish, NS B2G2R8, Canada. Phone: in Canada and U.S.A. 800-565-4362. Other countries 902 863-6550. Fax: 902 863-6796. Internet site: E-mail: STAMPS@MAILPOSTE.CA. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, inscription blocks, and other philatelic information or material. SODA with minimum balance of $20. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO, Visa, MasterCard accepted. Also handles stamps of the United States, United Nations, Ireland and Great Britain. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Cape Verde Islands — Empresa Publica dos Correios e Telecomunicacoes, Box 129, Praia, Santiago, Republica de Cabo Verde. Details of services not provided. Government Agencies: D & G Philatelic Inc., Box 812037, Boca Raton, FL 33481-2037, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Cayman Islands — Philatelic Bureau, Seven Mile Beach Post Office, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies. Phone: 345 949-4177. Fax: 345 949-4113. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, plate number blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with $25 deposit. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO, PC accepted.Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Central African Republic — Service Philatelique des PTT, Bangui, Central African Republic. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Chad — Receveur General des PTT, Ndjamena, Chad. Phone: 235 521103. Fax: 235 521012. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes and plate number and inscription blocks. SODA with minimum balance of $20. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. IMO accepted. Government Agency: Theodore Champion, Paris Montholon BP3, F75430 Paris Cedex 9, France.
Chile — Empresa de Correos de Chile, Departamento Filatelico, Alameda 980 — Of. 148 entrepiso, Santiago, Chile. Phone: 638-6659. Deals with individual orders for stamps and FDCs. IMO from the Licencia de Western Union. Government Agencies: France Philatelic Limited, Warwick House, Curdridge, Hants, Box 95, Hedge End, Hamphire 5032 2 UE, United Kingdom; Georg Roll Nachfolger, Hafenstrasse 8, Box 130, D26925 Elsfleth, Germany; Inversiones y Novedades Filatelicas y Numismaticas S.A., Apartado de Correos 8477-28008, Madrid, Spain.
China — China National Philatelic Corp., Hepingmen, Beijing, China 100051. Phone: 0086 10 63022254. Fax: 0086 10 63011053. E-mail: office/iec/ Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information or material. Orders shipped postage extra. BD, PC, IMO, IBD accepted. Government Agencies: China Stamp Agency in North America, One Unicover Center, Cheyenne, WY 82008-0003, United States; Harry Allen, Box 5 Watford, Hertfordshire WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Max Stern & Co., Box 997H, G.P.O., Melbourne, 3001, Australia; Michel Draguet, 9, route d'ohain 1380 Lasne, Belgium; Association Beligique-chine, Rue Royale 247, B-1210 Bruxelles, Belgium; Nordfrim, Kvindevadet 42, DK-5450 Otterup, Denmark; Philimex, 58 Rue du Faubourg Montmarte, 75009 Paris, France; Theodor Heuss, Strasse 7, D-38090 Braunschweig, Germany; De Rosa, Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; Istituto Italo Cinese, Per Gli Scambi Economici, E Culturali, 20123 Milan-Via Carducci 18, Italy; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; K.L. Commercial Book Co. (M) Sdn Bhd., No. 51. Jalan Sultan, 50000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Studiegroep China Filatelie, Van Allenstrast 92, 1562 TN Krommenie, Netherlands; J.A. Visser B.V., Box 184, 3300 AD Dordrecht, Netherlands; Philchin Chinastamps, Robert Battle, Rutenenstrasse 18a, 8956 Killwangen, Switzerland; Richard Borek Agences, S.W. Chen, 182/5 Suriwong Road, Bankok 10500, Thailand.
Taiwan (China, Republic of) — Philatelic Department, Directorate General of Posts, 55, Chin Shan South Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan 106, Republic of China. Phone: 022 356-9670. Fax: 022 396-9125. Internet E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate numbers and inscription blocks and philatelic bulletins. SODA with deposit of $50. Orders shipped airmail postage extra. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Chinatown Stamp Shop, 828 Stockton St., San Francisco, CA 94108, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Christmas Island — Australian Philatelic Bureau, Box 4000, Ferntree Gully, Victoria 3156, Australia. Details of services not provided.
Cocos (Keeling) Islands — Australian Philatelic Bureau, GPO Box 9988, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia. Details of services not provided.
Colombia — Administracion Postal Nacional, Division de Filatelia, of: 212, Edificio Murillo Toro, Carrere 7a, calles, 12 y 13, Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C., Colombia, South America. Phone: 571 334-6612. Fax: 571 281-3940. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes. SODA with minimum balance of $25. Orders shipped postage extra. BD, PC, IMO accepted.
Congo — Direction des Postes, Centre Philatelique, ONPT Brazzaville, Congo. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Cook Islands — Philatelic Bureau, Post Office, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, South Pacific. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Philatelic Collector Inc., Box 3162, Sag Harbor, NY 11963, United
Costa Rica — Oficina Filatelica, Correo Central, Apartado 12.900-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica. Phone: 506-233-5182. Fax: 506-233-5182. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, first-day covers, CTO stamps, special postmarks, plate number or inscription blocks, brochures and souvenir sheets. Minimum order of $50. PC, IMO. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted.
Croatia — Croatian Post & Telecommunications, Directorate OD Posts, Postal & Telecom Traffic Dept., Jurisiceva 13, 10001 Zagreb, Croatia. Fax: 385-1-423-495. E-Mail: ZDRAVKO, Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs and other products. Monetary order limits of $50. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC and bank transfer accepted. Also handles United Nations stamp issues. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Germany Briefmarken Wurmbauer, Schongrabern 221, A-2020 Hollabrunn, Austria; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinders St., (Port Phillip Arcade), Box 997H, G.P.O., Melbourne 3001, Australia; Philagentur, Feldbergstrasse 57, D-61440 Oberursel, Germany; Georg Roll Stamps, Agencies & Wholesale, Hafenstr. 8, Box 130, D-26931 Elsfleth, Germany; J.A. Visser, Postzegelgroothandel B.V., Box 184, 3300 AD Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Cuba — COPREFIL (Empresa de Correos, Prensa y Filatelia), Apartado 1000, Havana 1, Cuba, or office in Canada, COPREFIL, 1415 Pine Ave. W, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1B2. Details of services not provided. (Stamps from Cuba are prohibited in the United States as part of a general trade embargo.)
Cyprus — Department of Postal Services, CY-1900, Nicosia, Cyprus. Phone: 357 2 303283 or 357 2 302768. Fax: 3572 304154. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate numbers and inscription blocks and other philatelic information or material. SODA with minimum balance of $20. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD,USPSMO, USMO, PCs (certified by a bank) accepted.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Nordfrim, DK-5450 Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion, 8, rue des Messageries, 75010 Paris, France; Jurgen Ehrlich, Peter Berchem str. 3, D-50935 Koln, Germany; Philart S.A., Box 130, D-26935 Elsfleth, Germany; Stephanos Frangoudes, Stadiou 60, Omonia 10564 Athens, Greece; J.A. Visser, Postzegelgroothandel B.V., Box 184, 3300 AD Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Czech Republic — Czech Post Philatelic Service, Postfila (Export Department), CZ-225 06 Prague 7, Ortenovo nam. 16, Czech Republic. Does not sell directly to collectors. Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Denmark — Post Denmark, Stamps, Telegrafvej 7, DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark. Phone: 45 3324 5022. Fax: 45 3123 7623. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and other philatelic information or material. SODA available. CBC, PC, IMO, USPSMO accepted. Also handles stamps from Norway, Holland, and the Faeroes. Government Agencies: Nordica, Box 284, Old Bethpage, NY 11804, United States; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency, Box 80, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-91, Japan; and the postal services in Norway and Netherlands.
Djibouti — Office des Postes et Telecommunications, Djibouti City, Republique de Djibouti. Details of services not provided.
Dominica — Postmaster General, Stamp Order Division, GPO, Roseau, Dominica, West Indies. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Dominican Republic — Instituto Postal Dominicano (Inposdom), Departamento de Filatelia, Heroes de Luperon Esq. Rafael Damiron, Centro de Los Heroes, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Phone: 809 534-7819 or 809 534-5838 ext. 3048. Fax: 809 535-8334 or 809 534-6318. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes and souvenirs. Monetary order minimum of $10. SODA with minimum balance of $5. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO, Visa accepted. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. Government Agencies: Bombay Philatelic Inc., Box 7719 Delray Beach, FL 33482, United States; Korean Philatelic Co., C.P.O. Box 323 Seoul 100-603, South Korea; Filatelia Jori, Iradier, 13 (Sarria-Bonanova) 08017, Barcelona, Spain.
Ecuador — Departamento Filatelico, Ecuador Post Office, Av. Eloy Alfaro 354 & 9 de Octubre, Ecuador. Details of services not provided.
Egypt — Postal Organization Philatelic Office, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt. Details of services not provided.
El Salvador — Departmento de Filatelia, Direccion General de Correos, Centro de Gobierno, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America. Phone: 271-1965. Fax: 271-1965. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps and FDCs. SODA with minimum balance of $100. Orders shipped postage extra. USPSMO, USMO accepted.
Equatorial Guinea — Oficina Filatelica de la Direccion General de Correos, Malabo, Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Details of services not provided.
Eritrea — State of Eritrea Postal Service, Philatelic Bureau, Box 229, Asmara, Eritrea. Phone: 291 112-1900. Fax: 291 112-5474. SODA with minimum balance of $40. CBC, IMO, bank transfer accepted. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Estonia — Estonian Stamp, Box 2933, 13102 Tallinn, Estonia. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Kent Research, Box 86, Hewlett, NY 11557, United States.
Ethiopia — Ethiopian Postal Service, Philatelic Section, Box 1112, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Falkland Islands — Philatelic Bureau, Stanley, Falkland Islands. Phone: 500 27159. Fax: 500 27160. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks, postcards, booklets and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD accepted. Also handles stamps from South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands and the British Antarctic Territory. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Faeroes — Frimerkjadeildin, FO-159 Torshavn, The Faeroe Islands. Phone: 298 155 77. Fax: 298 105 76. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes and other products. SODA available. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO and all major credit cards accepted. Government Agency: Nordica, Box 284, Old Bethpage, NY 11804, United States.
Fiji — Philatelic Bureau, GPO Box 100, Suva, Fiji. Fax: 679 308156. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks, philatelic bulletins and other philatelic information and material. SODA with a minimum deposit of FJD$30. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO, British MO, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diner's Club accepted. Also handles stamps for Pitcairn Island stamps. Government Agencies:Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinders St., Box 9974, GPO Melbourne 3001, Australia; Pacific Stamps, Box 816, Tewantin QLD 4565, Australia; Stamp Garden Co. Ltd., Box 593, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China; Georg Roll Stamps, Agencies and Wholesale, Box 130, 26925 EL 5 Fleth, Germany; Herman E. Sieger, Box 1160, Lorch Wurttemberg D-73545, Germany; Philagentur, Suddeutscher Brief, Marken Handel, Andrens Werner GMBH, Zimmeramuhcenweg 77D, 61440 Oberursel, Germany; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency Ltd., Box 80, Shibuya, Tokyo 15091, Japan; Profilex, Box 18, 97-315 Tuszyn, Poland; James Song Philatelics, 317 Outram Road #02-22, Concorde Shopping Centre, 169075, Singapore.
Finland — Finland Post Ltd., Philatelic Center, Box 2, FIN-00101 Posti, Helsinki, Finland. Phone: 358 204 515522. Fax: 358 204 515580. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate numbers, and other philatelic information and material. Single orders that are less than 100 markaa are charged with a handling fee of 20mk. SODA with minimum balance of 200mk. Eurocheques and credit cards accepted. Orders can be sent C.O.D. with a service charge of 25mk. Also handles Norway stamps, year sets '95 and '96. Government Agencies: Nordica, Box 284, Old Bethpage, NY 11804, United States; De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123, Milan, Italy; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
France — Service Philatelique De La Poste, 18 Rue Francois Bonvin, 75758 Paris Cedex 15, France. Phone: 33 40615200. Fax: 33 43062462. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes, inscription blocks, precanceled postage stamps, yearbooks, first-day bulletins, engravings and other philatelic information and material. Minimum purchase order of 10 francs. SODA available, the minimum balance varies between 50 francs and 300fr. CBC, BD, PC accepted if drawn from a bank with a head office in France. IMO, IBD, Visa, MasterCard accepted. Orders shipped postage extra. Government Agencies: French Stamp Agency in North America (Unicover World Trade Corp.), 1 Unicover Center, Cheyenne, WY 82008-0009, United States.
French Polynesia — Centre Philatelique, Office des Posts et Telecommunications, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia. Phone: 689-414335. Fax: 689-452586. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number or inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $70. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted. Government Agency: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States.
French Southern and Antarctic Territories — Agence des Timbres-Poste d'Outre-mer, 18 Rue Francois Bonvin, 75758 Paris Cedex 15, France. Details of services not provided.
Gabon — Service Philatelique, Direction Generale des PTT, B.P. 20.000 O.P.T., Libreville, Gabon. Phone: 241 76 27 28; 241 74 79 13. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs. SODA available. Government Agency:Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Gambia — Postmaster General, GPO, Banjul, The Gambia. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Georgia — Philatelic Bureau, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tbilisi, Georgia. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Germany — Deutsche Post AG, Niederlassung Postphilatelie, Versandstelle fur Postwert-zeichen, 60281, Frankfurt, Germany. Phone: 4969272080. Fax: 496927208225. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, special postmarks or envelopes, and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. CBC, BD, IBD accepted.
Ghana — Philatelic Bureau, GPO, Accra, Ghana. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Gibraltar — Gibraltar Post Office, Philatelic Bureau, Box 5662, Gibraltar. Phone: 350 75662. Fax: 350 42149. E-mail: Website: SODA with mininum balance of 5. CBC, BD, PC accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Nordfrim, DK-5450, Otterup, Denmark; Philagentur, Suddeutscher Briefmarken, Andreswerner Gmbh Handel, Feldbergstrabe 57, D-61440 Oberursel, Germany; Richard Borek Agencies, Theodor-houss-strabe 7, 38090 Braunschweig, Germany; Kowloon Philatelic Centre Ltd., Rm 104-105, 169 Portland St., Kowloon, Hong Kong; De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa, 11-20123 Milan, Italy; Bopa, Box 80, Chibuya Tokyo 150-91, Japan; Profilex, UL 1-go, Maya 61-skr poczt 18, Tuszyn 97-315, Poland.
Great Britain — British Philatelic Bureau, 21 S. Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9PB, Scotland. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States.
Greece — Greek Post Office, Philatelic Service, 100 Aeolou St., GR-101 88, Athens, Greece. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States.
Greenland — Post Greenland Filatelia, DK-3913 Tasiilaq, Greenland. Phone: 299 18044. Fax: 299 18342. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. IRCs accepted. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USMO accepted. Government Agencies: Nordica Inc., Box 284, Old Bethpage, NY 11804, United States; Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Philagentur GmbX, Feldbergstrasse 57, D-61440 Oberursel, Germany; De Rosa International, Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency, Box 80, Tokyo 150-91, Japan; J.A. Visser, Postzegelgroothandel B.V., Box 183, NL-3300 AD Dordrecht, Netherlands; PTT Post Filatelie, Da Verzamelservice, Europaweg 33, NL-9723 AS Gronningen, Netherlands; Nordisk Frimerkeservice AS, Postboks 150, N-1371 Asker, Norwa.
Grenada — Postmaster General, GPO, St. George's, Grenada, West Indies. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Guatemala — Servicio Filatelico, Central Post Office, Box 3000, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central America. Phone: 502 238-3493 or 502 232-6101 ext. 128. Fax: 502 232-6516. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs and special postmarks. SODA with minimum balance of $10. Orders shipped postage extra. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD accepted.
Guernsey — Guernsey Philatelic Bureau, Postal Headquarters, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1AB, Channel Islands (Great Britain). Phone: 44 1481 716486. Fax: 44 1481 712082. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. Orders shipped postage extra. CBC, PC accepted. Also handles Alderney stamps. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinder St., Box 997H, GPO Melbourne 3001, Australia; Nordfrim, DK5450 Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion SA, Paris Montholon BP3, 75430 Paris, Cedex 9, France; Richard Borek KG, Theodore Heuss Strasse 7, D-38090 Braunschweig, Germany; British & Overseas Agency Ltd., Box 80, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-91, Japan; J.A. Visser, Postzegelgroothandel BV, Box 184, 3300 AD Dordrecht, Netherlands; Profilex, Box 18, Tuszyn 97-315, Poland; De Rosa International SA, La Rosiere 31VH-1012 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Guinea — Agence Philatelique, BP 4562, Conakry, Republic of Guinea. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Guinea-Bissau — Direccao Generale de Correios, Service de Filatelia, C.P. 200, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. Details of services not provided.
Guyana — Guyana Post Office Corp., GPO, Robb Street, Georgetown, Guyana. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Haiti — Service Philatelique, Office des Postes, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Honduras — Departamento de Filatelia, Empresa de Correos de Honduras, Honducor, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America. Details of services not provided.
Hong Kong — Hong Kong Post Stamps, 1706-7 East Asia Aetna Tower, 308-320 Des Vouex Road Central, Hong Kong, China. Phone: 852 2928 7211. Fax: 852 2850 6552. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, philatelic newsletter, and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of HK $200. CBC, IMO, IBD accepted. Also handles products from China, Australia, Canada, United States, Singapore, Malayasia and Macau. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinders St. (Port Philip Arcade), Box 997H, G.P.O., Melbourne 3001, Australia; Nordfrim, DK-5450 Otterup, Denmark; Georg Roll Stamps Agencies & Wholesale, D-2887 Elsfleth, Hafenstrabe 8, Box 130, Germany; Telpo Philatelic Co. Ltd., 11/F., 83 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency Ltd., Box 80, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-91, Japan.
Hungary — Philatelia Hungarica, Box 28, Budapest, H-1675, Hungary. Phone: 36 1 149 1337. Fax: 36 1 129 4275. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint stamps and special covers. SODA available. PC, IMO, cash transfer order, credit cards accepted. Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Iceland — Icelandic Post Philatelic Sales, Storhofdi 29, IS-110 Reykjavik, Iceland. Phone: (+354)-580-1050. Fax: (+354)-580-1059. E-mail: Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Nordica Inc., Box 284, Old Bethpage, NY 11804, United States.
India — Director, Philatelic Bureau, Bombay GPO, Bombay 400001, India. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and other items. Minimum order of 2 rupees. Handling fee of 1 percent of the order. SODA available with a minimum balance of 200 rupees. PC, BD accepted. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; James Davis & Son, 45 Church St., Rickmansworth WDB 1DG, United Kingdom; Richard Borek KG, Theodar Hauss, Stra Be 7, 3300 Braunschweig, Germany; Philart SA CH 1261 Gingins, Switzerland.
Indonesia — Divisi Filateli, Philatelic Division, Jalan Cilaki No. 73, Bandung 40115, Indonesia. Phone: 062-022-706281, 7278984, 7100512. Fax: 062-022-708161. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, and commemorative covers. SODA with minimum balance of $50. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. USPSMO, Visa, MasterCard accepted. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; International Philatelic Agencies, I Rohais, Box 219, St. Peter Port, Guernsey C1, Great Britain; Chan Tick Fai, RM B */F1 Hang Lung House, 184 Queems Road C, Hong Kong; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; Riko Schachermeyer, Phantip Village 135/8, Moo 10, Soi Watboonsumphan, Nongprue Banglamung, Chonburi 20260, Thailand.
Iran — Philatelic Bureau, Directorate General of Internal Post, Box 13185-4149, Tehran, I.R. Iran. Details of services not provided. (Stamps from Iran are prohibited in the United States as part of a general trade embargo.)
Iraq — Director General of Telecommunications and Posts, Stamp Section, Philatelic Bureau, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Box 2450, Baghdad, Republic of Iraq. Details of services not provided. (Stamps from Iraq are prohibited in the United States as part of a general trade embargo.)
Ireland — Irish Stamps, Box 1991, GPO, Dublin 1, Ireland. Phone: 353 1 7057400. Fax: 353 1 8722683. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of 25. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. IMO, IBD accepted. Government Agencies:Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinders St. (Port Phillip Arcade), Box 997H GPO, Melbourne 3001, Australia; Campo Rodan, Rue de Lombard 9, B1000 Bruxelles, Belgium; Nordfrim, Nordfyns Frimerkehande, DK5450 Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion SA, 68 Rue D' Hauteville, Paris 75010, France; Georg Roll Nachfolger, Hafenstrasse 8, Box 130, D26925 Elsfleth, Germany; Philart SA, Hafenstrasse 8, Box 130, D26925 Elsfleth, Germany; Kowloon Philatelic Centre Ltd., Box 74473, Central Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency, Box 80, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-91, Japan; Profilex, Box 18, 97-315 Tuszyn, Poland; USPS Philatelic Fulfillment Centre, P.O. Box 419636, Kansas City, MO 04179-0996, United States; Canada Post, Antigonish NS B26 ZR8, Canada.
Isle of Man — Philatelic Bureau, Box 10M, Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1PB. Phone: 44-1624 698430. Fax: 44-01624 698434. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and plate numbers. SODA available. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD accepted.
Israel — Israel Postal Authority, Philatelic Service, 12 Sderot Yerushalayim, 68021 Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. Phone: 972 03 5123933. Fax: 972 03 6836794. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate numbers and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum deposit of $85, for a year's supply of stamps and/or FDCs. Orders shipped postage extra. Minimum order: three sets of stamps and/or FDCs. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, bank transfer (to account number 77773-919 Israel Discount Bank) accepted. Government Agencies: Israel Philatelic Agency of North America, 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Harry Allen, Israel Philatelic Service in G.B., Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Bernado A. Kurchan, C.C. Central 108, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinders St. (Port Philip Arcade), GPO Box 997H Melbourne 3001, Victoria, Australia; Nordfrim, DK 5450, Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion, 68, Rue d' Hauteville 75010 Paris, France; Georg Roll Stamps, Hafenstrasse 8, D-26925 Elsfleth, Box 130, Germany; Alberto Bolaffi s.r.l., Via Cavour 17f, 10123 Torino, Italy; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency, Box 80, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-91, Japan; J.A. Visser, Kantooradres Wijnstraat 141, Box 184, 3300 AD Dordrecht, Netherlands; Profilex, ul. 1-Go Maja 61, skr. Poczt. 18 Tuszyn, 97-315 Poland; Hirschfeld, Plaza del Angel 16, 30B, Apartado 14.094, 28080 Madrid, Spain; East Rand Company, Box 12191, Benoryn 1504, South Africa; Chang Zone International Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 78-110, Taipei, Taiwan.
Italy — Ente Poste Italiane, Servizi Postali E.P.E. Filatelia, Via Mario de' Fiori, 103/A, 00187 Rome, Italy. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and other material. SODA available with a minimum amount of 40,000 lire. IMO, BD, travel checks accepted.
Ivory Coast — Centre Philatelique d'Abidjan, Direction de l'Exploitation Postale, 01 BP 4056 Abidjan 01, Ivory Coast. Phone: 33-18-96/32 99 13/32 24 86/32 24 87. Fax: 225 34 71 07. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps and FDCs. SODA available: Monetary order limits of 20,000 French francs. SODA available with minimum balance of 30,000fr. CBC, IMO accepted. Government Agency: Theodore Champion, 68, Rue d' Hauteville 75010 Paris, France.
Jamaica — Postmaster General, Post and Telecommunications Department, Headquarters, Central Sorting Office, Box 7000, South Camp Road, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Details of services not provided.Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surry SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Japan — Tokyo Central Post Office, Philatelic Section, CPO Box 888, Tokyo, 100-8692, Japan. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps. SODA with minimum deposit of 100 yen. Orders shipped postage extra. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420; Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Max Stern & Co., G.P.O. Box 997H, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia; Nordfrim, Kvindevadet 42, DK-5450, Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion, 8, Rue des Messageries 75010, Paris, France; Georg Roll Stamps, Hafenstrasse 8, Box 130, D-26925 Elsfleth, Germany; Kowloon Philatelic Center, P.O. Box 74473, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong; De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; J.A. Visser, Wijnstraat 141, Dordrecht 3300AD, Netherlands; Hirschfeld, Plaza del Angel, 16.3 B/ Apartado 14.094/ 28080 Madrid, Spain; Agentur Ltd., Box 50145, 202 11 Malmo, Sweden.
Jersey — Jersey Philatelic Bureau, Postal Headquarters, Jersey, JE1 1AB, Channel Islands. Phone: 1534 616612. Fax: 1534 873690. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number blocks, booklets, presentation packs, folders, year books and year packs. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD, Visa, MasterCard, debit cards, postal orders accepted. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinders St., Box 997H, GPO Melbourne, Australia; Chang Zone International Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 78-110, Taipei, Taiwan 105, China; Nordfrim, Kvindevadet 42, DK-5450, Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion, Paris Montholon BP3, F 75430 Paris Cedex 9, France; Richard Borek KG, Theodore-Heuss Strasse 7, D-38090 Braunschweig, Germany; Kowloon Philatelic Center, Box 74473, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong; De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency Ltd., Box 80, Shibuya Tokyo 150-91, Japan; J.A. Visser, Postzegelgroothandel BV, Box 184, 3300 AD Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Jordan — Ministry of Posts and Communications, Philatelic Section, Box 71, Amman, Jordan. Deals with individual orders for mint stamp sets. Postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, preferably in U.S. or Jordanian currency.
Kazakstan — Alexi Plachevski/Stamps Agent, Central Post Office Box 90, 480001, Almaty, Kazakstan. Fax: 007 3272 633936. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $25 (for collectors) and $150 (for dealers and agencies). BD (from Bank in Germany), PC accepted. Also handles stamps from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
Kenya — The Stamp Bureau, Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corp., Post Office Headquarters, Box 30368, Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya. Phone: 254-2-252812 or 254-2-227401 ext. 2134, 2310, 3463, or 3357. Fax: 254-2-333704. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks, brochures, stamp booklets, philatelic cards and posters. SODA with minimum deposit of $15. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Kiribati — The Manager, Philatelic Bureau, Box 494, Betio, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
North Korea — Korea Stamp Corp., Yonggwang St., Central District, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
South Korea — Seoul Central Post Office, Korean Philatelic Center, CPO Box 5122, Seoul, 100-011, South Korea. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs and other material. SODA available with a minimum depost of $50. Government Agency: Kent Research, Box 86, Hewlett, NY 11557, United States.
Kuwait — Philatelic Bureau, Box 28900, Safat, Kuwait. Phone: 244-6683 or 242-9684. Fax: 243-0762. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number or inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of approximately $33. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted.
Kyrgysztan — Ministry of Communications, 720 000 Tchu Avenue No. 96, Bishkek, Kyrgysztan. Details of services not provided.
Laos — Enterprise des Postes et Telecommunications, Bureau de Philatelie, Avenue Lane Xang, 0100 Vientiane, R.D.P. Laos. Details of services not provided.
Latvia — Latvia Post, 21 Brivibas Blvd., Riga PDP, LV-1000, Latvia. Details of services not provided.
Lebanon — Receveur Principal des Postes, Service Philatelique, Beirut, Lebanon. Details of services not provided.
Lesotho — Lesotho Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag No. 1, Maseru, 100, Lesotho. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Liberia — Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, GPO-1000, Monrovia 10, Liberia, West Africa. Details of services not provided. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Libya — Service Philatelique, Direction Generale des PTT, Tripoli, Libya. Details of services not provided. (Stamps from Libya are prohibited in the United States as part of a general trade embargo.)
Liechtenstein — Liechtensteinische Post AG, Philately Liechtenstein, Zollstrasse 58, 9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein. Phone: 011 423 399 44 66. Fax: 011 423 399 44 94. Email: Website: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery (by special order), special postmarks or envelopes (upon request when available), special blocks (by standing order), corner margin blocks of four by standing order on special request, brochures and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. BD, credit card accepted.
Lithuania — PLC Lithuania Post, Philatelic Department, Giedraiciu Str., 60a, LT-08212 Vilnius, Lithuania. Website: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO postage stamps and souvenir sheets, FDCs, FDSs, Postal Stationery, Special Cancellations, aerogrammes and other philatelic information and material. Orders are sent free of postage in registered letters. A handling fee of 4 LTL is charged for each order or standing order delivery. Methods of payment: Visa, MaterCard and Eurocard, bank cheques or bank transfer. Government Agency: Kent Research, Box 86, Hewlett, NY 11557, U.S.A.
Luxembourg — Postes Et Telecommunications, Office des Timbres, L-2992 Luxembourg. Phone: 352 4088 8840. Fax: 352 406 868. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. CBC, IMO, Visa accepted.
Macau — CTT, Divisao de Filatelia, 789 Avenida da Pria Grande, N° 789, Macau. Fax: 853-3969104l, 921663. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO (upon request) stamps, FDCs and other philatelic information or material. SODA available. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD accepted. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Hertfordshire WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Max & Stern Co., 234 Flinders St. (Port Phillip Arcade), Box 997H, G.P.O. Melbourne, 3001 Australia; Nordfrim, Kvindevadet 42, DK-5450 Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion, Paris Montholon-B.P.3, 75430 Paris Cedex 9, France; Georg Roll, Hafenstra BE, 8 POB 130, 26925 Elsfleth, Germany; Hong Kong Philatelic Bureau, The Accounts & Finance Division, 3/F Post Office Headquarters, 2 Connaught Place, Central Hong Kong; De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; Pos Malaysia Berhad, Stamp Bureau Supplies Division, Kompleks Day Abumi, 50670 Kuala Lumput, Malaysia; J.A. Visser, P.O. Box 184, Dordrecht 3300AD, Netherlands; Portugal, DFIL/STA, AV. Casal Ribeiro, 28, 1096 Lisboa Codex, Portugal; Singapore Post PTE Ltd., Stamp Distribution Section, 750 Chai Chee Rd., Chai Chee Industrial Park #04-09, Singapore 469000; Telpo Philatelic Co. Ltd., 11/F, 83, Wanchai Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; Afinsa, Lagasca, 18, 28001 Madrid, Spain.
Macedonia — Philatelic Bureau, Box 1, 91 000, Skopje, Republika Macedonia. Phone & Fax: 389/91/16 40 40, 16 52 86. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. Monetary order minimum is $100. SODA with minimum deposit of $100. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD accepted.
Madagascar — Service Philatelique, Paositra Malagasy, rue Prince Ratsimamanga, 101-Antananarivo, Madagascar. Phone: 261 22 305.46. Fax: 261 22 203.01 or 261 22 312.01. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. USMO accepted. Orders mailed postage extra; IRCs accepted. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Theodore Champion, Paris Montholon BP3, F75430 Paris Cedex 9, France.
Madeira — CTT Correios de Portugal SA, Servicos de Filatelia, Avenida Casal Ribeiro Ribeiro 28, 1049-52 Lisbon, Portugal. Details of services not provided.
Malawi — Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Box 30700, Chichiri, Blantyre 3, Malawi. Phone: 265 670778. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs and postal stationery. SODA available. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD accepted. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Malaysia — Manager, Philatelic Bureau, First Floor, Post Malaysia Headquarters, Dayabumi Complex, 50670 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Phone: 603 274-1122. Fax: 603 294-2139. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks (must be on stamps/exhibition covers), envelopes and color code blocks. SODA available with purchase of one complete set of stamps or one FDC with complete set of stamps. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO (if can be banked locally) accepted. Also handles stamps from Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau and Brunei. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinders St. (Port Philip Arcade), Box 997H, G.P.O. Melbourne 3001, Australia; Georg Roll Stamps, Agencies & Wholesale, Hafenstrabe 8, D 2887 Elsfleth, Germany; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Maldives — Philatelic Bureau, GPO, Male, Republic of Maldives, Indian Ocean. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Mali — Service des Timbres-Poste et de la Philatelie, Section Philatelie, Bamako, Mali. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Malta — Office of the Postmaster General, 305, Qormi Road, Marsa HMR 17, Malta. Phone: 00356 22079. Fax: 00356 220789. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks. SODA with minimum balance of 5 Maltese lira. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD accepted. Government Agencies: Herrick Stamp Co., Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557, United States; Harry Allen Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Theodore Champion, 8, Rue Des Messageries, 75010 Paris, France; Herman E. Sieger, Box 1160, D-73545 Lorch/Wurttemberg, Germany; De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; Filagent Nederland BV, Windbrugstraat 13-13, NL-7511 HR Enschede, Netherlands.
Marshall Islands — Stamps and Philatelic Center of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Unicover World Trade Corp.), 1 Unicover Center, Cheyenne, WY 82008-0021, United States. Phone:1-800-443-4225. Fax: 1-800-628-3123. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and year sets. SODA with minimum balance of $10. Must buy a minimum of four mint stamps and four souvenir sheets. PC (U.S. only), IMO, USMO accepted. Government Agencies: Stamps and Philatelic Center of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Unicover World Trade Corp.), 1 Unicover Center, Cheyenne, WY 82002-0021; Harry Allen International Philatelic, Broadsword House 1-5 Brixton Road, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Max Stern & Co., 234 Flinders St., 3001 Melbourne, Australia; China National Philatelic Corp., Hepingmen Beijing 100051, China; Nordfrim, DK-5450 Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion, Paris Montholon B.P. 3, 75030 Paris Cedex 9, France; Georg Roll Stamps, Hafenstrabe 8, Box 130, D-26925 Elsfleth, Germany; Philart S.A., Hafenstrabe 8, Box 130, D-26925 Elsfleth, Germany; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; J.A. Visser Postzegelgroothlandel BV, 3300 AD, Dordrecht, Netherlands; De Rosa Novedades S.A., Ronda de San Pedro 16 5 2a, 08010 Barcelona, Spain; Philatelic Mail Order Service, Box 5-468, Taipei 100, Taiwan.
Mauritania — Service Philatelique, Direction Generale des PTT, Box 99, Nouakchott, Mauritania. Details of services not provided.
Mauritius — Philatelic Bureau, Post Office Headquarters, Port Louis, Mauritius. Phone: 208-2851. Fax: 212-9640. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs and special postmarks or envelopes. SODA available. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, IMO, IBD accepted. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom
Mayotte — Service Postal de Mayotte, Philateli, Boite Postale 83, 97600 Mamoudzou, Mayotte, Indian Ocean. Details of services not provided.
Mexico — Gerencia de Filatelia y Cultura Postal, Netzahualcoyotl 109, 6° piso, C.P. 06080 Mexico, D.F. Mexico. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps. SODA available with a deposit of $60. IBD accepted.
Micronesia — FSM Philatelic Bureau, Box 1376, Kolonia, Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia, FM 96941. Phone: 691 320-2615. Fax: 691 320-2612. E-mail: FMSPOSTALPNI@MAIL.FM. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. 50 sets per issue per customer minimum. SODA with minimum balance of $10. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO accepted. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Moldova — Intreprindera De Stat, Posta Moldovei, bd. Stefan cel Mare, 134, 277012, Chisinau, Republica Moldova. Phone: 24-36-60. Fax: 22-4-90. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: George Roll Briefmarken, Box 130, D-26295 Elsfleth, Germany.
Monaco — Office des Emissions de Timbres-Post, Les Terrasses de Fontvielle, 23, Avenue Prince Hereditaire Albert, MC 98050, Monaco Cedex, Principality of Monaco. Phone: 377 93 15 41 26. Fax: 377 93 15 41 42. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, plate numbers and inscription blocks. SODA with minimum deposit of 500 French francs. Minimum order limit 80fr of stamps. PC, IBD, IPMO, Visa, Eurocard, MasterCard, Giro Transfer accepted. Government Agencies: Monaco Collections, 2 Ave. Henry Dunant, MC98000, Monaco; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Mongolia — Directeur de Bureau des Philatelistes, Box 175, Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Montserrat — Montserrat Philatelic Bureau Ltd., GPO, Plymouth, Montserrat, West Indies. Phone: 1-664-491-2996. Fax: 1-664-491-2042. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $50. PC, IMO, USPSMO, USMO, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club card, Access, Eurocard, American Express accepted.Government Agency: D & G Philatelic Inc., Box 812037, Boca Raton, FL 33481-2037, United States.
Morocco — Direction Centrale des Postes et Services Financiers, Direction des Services Postaux, Service de la Philatelie, 10000 Rabat Complex Des P & T, Morocco. Phone: 212 07 07 46 21. Fax: 212 07 07 53 62. Deals with individual orders for CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks. SODA with minimum balance of $5.50. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, IMO, USMO accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Mozambique — Empresa de Filatelia E Numismatica, E.E. Caixa Postal 4444, Av. 25 de Setembro, 1509 -2/d Andar, Maputo 1, Mozambique. Phone: 258-1-423193. Fax: 258-1-426800. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. Monetary order limits of $200. SODA with minimum balance of $100. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC and IBD accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Myanmar — Myanma Export and Import Services, Export Division, Philatelic Section, No. 577, Merchant Street, Yangon, Myanmar. Details of services not provided.
Namibia — Philatelic Services Namibia Post Ltd., Private Bag 13336, Windhoek, Namibia, Southern Africa. Phone: 264 61 201 3098. Fax: 264 61 259 467. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. Orders shipped, handling fee of 5 percent. BD, IBD, Visa, MasterCard accepted. Also handles stamps from South Africa.Government Agencies: Pacific Rim Co., 327 15th St., Oakland, CA 94612, United States; Herrick Stamps, Box 320, Hewlett, NY 11557-0320, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Philart SA, Niederlassung, Deutschland, Box 130, D-26925 Elsfleth, Germany; International Coins (Hong Kong) Ltd., 26/F Wing on House, 71 Des Voelux Road, Central Hong Kong; Eastgate Stamps, Shop U3, Eastgate Shopping Complex, Bradford Road, Bedfordview 2008, South Africa.
Nauru — Executive Officer, Philatelic Bureau, Republic of Nauru, Central Pacific. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Nepal — Officer-in-Charge, Nepal Philatelic Bureau, Sundhara, Katmandu, Nepal. Phone: 9771 241895. Fax: 9771 225145. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum deposit of $25. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. BD, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO accepted. Government Agency: Nepal Philatelic Society, Box 342, Katmandu, Nepal.
Netherlands — PTT Post Filatelie, Box 30051, 9700-RN Groningen, The Netherlands. Phone: 31 50 586 12 34. Fax: 31 50 586 31 11. SODA available. Details of services not provided. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Netherlands Antilles — Philatelic Service of the Netherlands Antilles, Waaigatplein 1, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States.
Nevis — Nevis Philatelic Bureau, GPO, Charlestown, Nevis, West Indies. Phone: 869 469-5535. Fax: 869 469-0617. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, plate blocks, imprint blocks, traffic light blocks and album details including illustrated pages. SODA with minimum balance of $20. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO, all major credit cards accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
New Caledonia — Service Philatelique de Nouvelle Caledome Magenta 98 802 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. Phone: 687 26 86 87. Fax: 687 28 71 00. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, newsletters and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $50. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. IMO, IBD (only in local currency), Visa, MasterCard accepted.Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Service Philatelique De La Poste, 18 Rue Francois Bonvin 75758, Paris Cedex 15, France.
New Zealand — Stamps Centre, 60 Ridgway St., Private Bag 3001, Wanganui, New Zealand. Phone: 646-345-7999. Fax: 646-345-7120. Internet site: www.NZSTAMPS.CO.NZ. E-mail: ENQUIRY@WGMSC.NZPOST.CO.NZ. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks, and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. Orders shipped postage (to United States) 70› surface, $1.80 airmail. BD, IBD (drawn on a NZ bank and in NZ dollars), credit cards accepted. Also handles stamps from Ross Dependency, United Nations and Western Samoa.Government Agencies: New Zealand Stamp Agency in North America: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Nicaragua — Division de Especies Postales y Filatelia, Telcor, Edificio Jorge Navarro, 2do. Piso, Apartado Postal 325, Managua, Nicaragua, Central America. Details of services not provided.
Niger — Service Philatelique, Direction Generale des PTT, Niamey, Niger. Details of services not provided.
Nigeria — Nigerian Philatelic Service, GPO Building, Tinubu Street, P.M.B. 12647, Lagos, Nigeria. Phone: 01-266-2696. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes. SODA with minimum deposit of $100. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IMO (U.S.), IBD (U.S. and Great Britain), USPSMO accepted. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Niuafo'ou — The Philatelic Bureau Tonga, Box 164, Head Post Office, Nuku'alofa, Kingdom of Tonga, South Pacific. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Philatelic Collector Inc., Box 3162, Sag Harbor, NY 11963, United States.
Niue — Niue Philatelic Bureau, Box 73, Alofi, Niue Island, South Pacific (via New Zealand). Phone: 683-4371. Fax: 683-4386. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic material. SODA available with minimum deposit of NZ $50. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted. Government Agency: Herrick Stamp Co., Box 219, Lawrence, NY 11559-0219, United States.
Norfolk Island — Postal Services Manager, Norfolk Island 2899, South Pacific (via Australia). Phone: 6723 23344. Fax: 6723 23636. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. Orders shipped postage extra for orders under $50; IRCs accepted. CBC, PC, IMO, BD, USPSMO, EFTPOS accepted. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Pacific Rim Co., 327 15th St., Oakland, CA 94612, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Australian Philatelic Bureau, 321 Exhibition St., Melbourne 3001 Australia; Pacific Stamps, Box 816, Tewantin, Queensland, Australia; Georg Roll Stamps, Hafenstrabe 8, Box 130 D-26925, Elsfleth, Germany; Stirling & Co., Box 949, Christchurch, New Zealand; Philatelic Mail Order Service, Box 5-468, Taipei 100, Taiwan.
Norway — Norwegian Post Stamp Bureau, Box 9350, N-0135, Oslo, Norway. Phone: 472 314-7870. Fax: 472 217-4490. Internet site: E-mail: frimerketjenesten or Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, stamp booklets, year sets, yearbooks and other materials. Orders shipped with a fee of NOK 12 for orders less than NOK 200. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD accepted. Also handles stamps from Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Government Agencies: Nordica Inc., Box 284, Old Bethpage, NY 11804, 800-441-3485, United States; Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; Post Danmark Frimaerker, Vesterbrogade 67, DK-1620, Kobenhavn, Denmark; Theodore Champion, 8, Rue des Messageries, F-75010 Paris, France; Leuchtturm Albenverlag GmbH, Am Spakenberg 45, D-21502 Geesthacht, Tyskland, Germany; Alberto Boliffi S-R.L. Via Cavour 17, 1-10123 Torino, Italy; British & Overseas Philatelic Agency, P.O. 80, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-91, Japan; PTT Post Filatelie, Box 6900, 2001 JB Haarlem, Netherlands; Chang Zone Intl. Co. Ltd., Box 78-110, Taipei, Taiwan.
Oman — Directorate General of Posts, Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs & Telephones, Box 3338, Ruwi Postal Code 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Phone: 701376, 792276. Fax: 968 792276. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $15. CBC, BD, IBD accepted.Government Agency: Axtner Agency, Frauenstr Franz, fedra 80469, Munich, Germany.
Pakistan — Pakistan Philatelic Bureau, GPO, Karachi 1, Pakistan. Details of services not provided.
Palau — Palau Philatelic Bureau, GPO, Koror, Palau; and Palau Philatelic Bureau, GPO Box 7775, New York, NY 10116, United States. Phone: 212-629-7979. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs and postal stationery. CBC and PC (U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank), IMO (in U.S. dollars), USPSMO, USMO accepted. Orders shipped postage extra. Completed orders shipped 4-6 weeks from issue date or upon receipt of order to Palau for processing by the post office. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Palestine Authority — Palestine Authority, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Post Department, Philatelic Office, GPO, Gaza City, Gaza. Phone: 07 829202 and 007 863141. Fax: 07 829231 and 07 862266. Deals with individual orders for CTO stamps, first-day covers and special postmarks and envelopes. PC, USMO, IRCs accepted.
Panama — Correos y Telegrafos, Departamento de Filatelia, Apartado 3421, Panama 4, Republic of Panama. Phone & Fax: 507-225-2803. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks (10 stamps per numbered order), and souvenir sheets. SODA with minimum deposit of $25. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO are accepted from banks with funds in U.S. dollars in the U.S. Territory.
Papua New Guinea — PNG Philatelic Bureau, Box 1, Boroko, Papua New Guinea. Phone: 675-300-3745 or 675-300-3746. Fax: 675-300-3708. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and special postmarks or envelopes. SODA with minimum balance of 10 kina. MasterCard accepted. Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Paraguay — Direccion de Correos, Departamento de Filatelia, Alberdi 130, Asuncion, Paraguay. Details of services not provided.
Penrhyn Island — Penrhyn Post Office, Penrhyn Island, Northern Cook Islands, South Pacific Ocean. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Philatelic Collector Inc., Box 3162, Sag Harbor, NY 11963, United States.
Peru — Serpost SA, Servicios Postales del Peru, Sub-Gerencia de Publicidad y Filatelia, Esq. Av. Tomás Valle s/n. Cdra. 7, Los Olivos, Lima 39, Peru. Details of service not provided.
Philippines — The Manager, Philatelic Service, Philippine Postal Corp., Liwasang Bonifacio, 1000 Manila, Philippines. Phone: 632-527-0096. Fax: 632-527-0096 or 632-527-0082. Deals with individual orders for mint and old CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery (aerograms), special postmarks or envelopes, plate/printers blocks, philatelic bulletins, year albums and presentation packs. SODA with minimum balance of $50. Orders shipped postage extra. CBC, IMO, IBD accepted.
Pitcairn Islands — Pitcairn Island Philatelic Bureau Office of the Governor of Pitcairn Islands, Private Box 105696, Auckland, New Zealand; Philatelic Bureau, GPO Box 100, Suva, Fiji. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Pitcairn Islands — Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau, 151 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington, New Zealand; Phone: 644-476-9507. Fax: 644-476-9506, E-mail:
Poland — Ars Polona, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 7, 00-950, Warsaw, Poland. Details of services not provided.
Portugal — CTT Correios de Portugal SA, Servicos de Filatelia, Avenida Casal Ribeiro Ribeiro 28, 1049-52 Lisbon, Portugal. Phone: 351-1-357-4019. Fax: 351-1-353-6730. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. SODA with deposit of $15. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IMO, IBD, Eurochecks, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard) accepted. Also handles stamps from Brazil and Guinea-Bissau. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Harry Allen, Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, United Kingdom; ECT-Brasil, DiVisao Central Filatelica, CEP 70300-909, Brasilia, DF, Brasil; Nordfrim, Kvindevadset 42, Dk 5450 Otterup, Denmark; Theodore Champion, 8, Rue des Messageries, 75010 Paris, France; Georg Roll Stamps, Hafenstrasse, 8, W-2887 Elsfleth, Germany; Telpo Stamp Co. Ltd., 11/F, 83 Wanchai Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; De Rosa S.P.A., Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; J.A. Visser, Box 184, 3300 AD-Dordrecht, Netherlands; Afinsa, Lagasca 18, 28001 Madrid, Spain.
Qatar — Philatelic Bureau, General Post Office, Doha, State of Qatar. Fax: 974 837777. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps and FDCs. SODA with a minimum deposit of 100 riyals. BD, PC, IMO, IBD accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Romania — Postacomert, 10 Matei Millo St., Bucharest, Romania. Phone: 400 34 59. Fax: 314 30 53. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and other material. IMO, BC accepted.Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Russia — Marka Publishing and Trading Centre of the State Committee for Communications and Informatization of the Russia Federation, 4/6 Bolshaya Grusinkaya St., Moscow 123242, Russian Federation. This firm distributes its philatelic products through its official wholesale dealers abroad. E-mail: Government Agency:Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Rwanda — National Post Office, Commercial Promotion Section, Box 4, Kigali, Rwanda. Phone: 250 72117, 75703, 75652. Fax: 250 76574. Deals with individual orders for FDCs and postal cards. SODA with minimum balance of $30. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC accepted. Government Agency: Philder, Box 68, 6830 Chiasso 3, Switzerland.
St. Helena — Philatelic Bureau, c/o Post Office, Jamestown, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
St. Kitts — The Manager, St. Kitts Philatelic Bureau, GPO, Basseterre, St. Kitts, West Indies. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
St. Lucia — St. Lucia Philatelic Bureau, Postmaster General, General Post Office, Bridge Street, Castries, Saint Lucia, West Indies. Phone: 1-758-452-2671. Fax: 1-758-453-7702/451-6422. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $15. CBC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO accepted. Government Agency: D & G Philatelic Inc., Box 812037, Boca Raton, FL 33481-2037, United States.
St. Pierre & Miquelon — Bureau Philatelique de L'Archipel, Box 4323, F-97500 St. Pierre, St. Pierre and Miquelon. Phone: 0508 41 36 07. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs and maximum cards. BD in French francs, Visa accepted.
St. Vincent — St. Vincent Philatelic Services, GPO, Kingstown, St. Vincent, West Indies. Phone: 809 457-1911. Fax: 809 456-2383. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, plate number and inscription blocks. SODA with minimum balance of $20. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
St. Vincent, Grenadines of — St. Vincent Philatelic Services, GPO, Kingstown, St. Vincent, West Indies. See information for St. Vincent. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
San Marino, Republic of — State Philatelic Office, Piazza Garibaldi No. 5, 47890 San Marino Citta, Republic of San Marino, Europe. Phone: 378 882365. Fax: 378 882363. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic material. SODA available with minimum deposit of $50. CBC, IMO, American Express, Visa accepted. Orders shipped postage extra.Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Sao Tome & Principe — Direccao dos Correios e Telecomuni-cacoes, Seccao Filatelica, Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Principe. Details of services not provided.
Saudi Arabia — Department of Public Relations, Philatelic Bureau, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps and FDCs. SODA with deposit of 50 riyals. CBC accepted (drawn at any bank in Riyadh).
Senegal — Office des Postes et Telecommunications du Senegal, Bureau Philatelique, Dakar, Senegal. Phone: 221 821-6200. Fax: 221 23 6241. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes and stock lists. SODA with minimum balance of 500 French francs. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted.Government Agency: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States.
Seychelles — Philatelic Bureau, Box 60, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles, Indian Ocean. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Sierra Leone — Office of the Managing Director, Sierra Leone Postal Services Ltd., Salpost, General Post Office, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Singapore — Singapore Post, Philatelic & Stamps Department, 10 Eunos Road 8 #01-33, Singapore Post Centre, Singapore 408600, Republic of Singapore. Fax: 65 4411 878. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with deposit of S$40. No minimum balance is required. Orders shipped with a handling fee of S$1.20 per order. BD (only telegraphic transfer), PC (only local), IMO, IBD, Visa, MasterCard accepted. Also handles stamps from Hong Kong, Britain, Malaysia and Brunei. Sells Lunar New Year products from United States Postal Service, Australia Post and Canada Post. Government Agencies: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Slovakia — Slovenska posta s.p., POFIS (Postal Philatelic Service of the Slovak Republic), Box 1, Mamateyova 16, 850 05, Bratislavia, Slovakia. Details of services not provided.
Slovenia — Posta Slovenije, Sektor za posto, P.P. 500, SI-2001 Maribor, Slovenia. Fax: 386 62 449 2211. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, booklets, postcards, covers and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $70. USPSMO, USMO, Eurocard, MasterCard, Visa accepted. Government Agency:Slovenia Stamp Agency in North America (Unicover World Trade Corp.), 1 Unicover Center, Cheyenne, WY 82008-0028, United States.
Solomon Islands — Solomon Post, General Post Office, Box 1930, Honiara, Solomon Islands, South Pacific. Details of services not provided. Government Agencies: Herrick Stamp Co., Box 219, Lawrence, NY 11559-0219, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Somalia — Philatelic Service, Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications, Mogadishu, Somali Democratic Republic. Details of services not provided.
South Africa — Postal Address: Philatelic Services, Private Bag X505, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa. Phone: 012-804-7735. Fax: 012-804-6745. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks, stamp booklets and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of 50 rand. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted. Also handles stamps from Namibia. Government Agencies: Global Philatelic Agency, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0440, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands — Philatelic Bureau, Stanley, Falkland Islands. Phone: 00500 27159. Fax: 00500 27160. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate numbers and inscription blocks, and other philatelic material. SODA available. CBC, PC (UK and USA only), IMO, IBD, USMO accepted. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted.Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Spain — Organismo Autonomo de Correos y Telegrafos, Servicio Filatelico Internacional, Palacio de Comunicaciones, 28070 Madrid, Spain. Details of services not provided.
Sri Lanka —Philatelic Bureau, Department of Posts, General Post Office, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Sudan — Director General of Posts and Telegraphs Public Corp., Philatelic Office, Khartoum, Sudan. Details of services not provided. (Stamps from Sudan are prohibited in the United States as part of a general trade embargo.)
Suriname — Postal Administration, Philatelic Department, Paramaribo, Suriname. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States.
Swaziland — Swaziland Stamp Bureau, Box 555, Mbabane, Swaziland, Southern Africa. Details of services not provided. Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Sweden — Sweden Post Stamps, SE-164 88 Kiruna, Sweden. Phone: 46 8 781 4936. Fax: 46 980 81490. Internet site: E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTOs, FDCs, collector's sheets, maximum cards, year books and other philatelic material. SODA available. IMO, Eurocheque, BC, MasterCard, Visa accepted. For a check, the Swedish banks charge 65 kronor as a handling fee, which must be added to the payment. IRCs accepted. Government Agencies: Sweden Stamp Agency in North America (Unicover World Trade Corp.), 1 Unicover Center, Cheyenne, WY 82008-0008, United States; Harry Allen Int., Box 5, Watford, Herts WD2 5SW, Great Britain; Max Stern & Co., Box 997H GPO, Melbourne Vic 3001, Australia; Ancienne Maison Theodore Champion, 8 rue des Messageries, 75010 Paris, France; Georg Roll Nachfolger, Box 130, 26925 Elsfleth, Germany; De Rosa SPA, Via Privata Maria Teresa 11, I-20123 Milan, Italy; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan; Seoul Stamp Co., CPO Box 8842, 100-688 Seoul, South Korea; Philatelic Intervest Pte Ltd., Raffles City, PO Box 1678, Singapore 911756; Philatelic Mail Order Service, Box 5-468, Taipei 100, Taiwan.
Switzerland — Swiss Post, Stamps and Philately, Customer Services, Ostermundigenstrasse 91, CH-3030 Berne, Switzerland. Phone: 41 31/338 27 28. Fax: 41 31/338 73 08. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks, collector's magazine. Monetary order minimum of 10 Swiss francs. SODA available. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO, American Express, Diners Club, Eurocard, MasterCard, Visa accepted. Government Agencies: AlbertoBolaffi, via Cavour 17, I-10123 Torino, Italy; PTT Post Filatelie, Vermalservice, Europawg 33, t.a.v. de Heer J. Stoppels, NL-9723 AS Groningen, Netherlands; Postens frimerketjeneste, Postboks 9350, N-0135 Oslo, Norway; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Syria — General Post Establishment, Philatelic Office, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Details of services not provided.
Tajikistan — Philatelic Department, Ministry of Posts, Ministry of Communications, Rudadki Avenue 57, 734000, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Details of services not provided.
Tanzania — Tanzania Posts and Telecommunications, Department of Posts, Stamp Bureau, Box 2988, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, postal stationery, special postmarks.Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Thailand — Philatelic Department, Communications Authority of Thailand, 99 Chaeng Wattana Road, Laksi, Bangkok 10002, Thailand. Phone: 662 506-3282. Fax: 662 573-4494. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum deposit of $30. Orders shipped postage extra. IMO and IBD accepted. Also handles stamps from the ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) group. Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Togo — Direction Generale des Postes et Telecommunications, Direction des Services Postaux et Financiers, Lome, Togo. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Tokelau — New Zealand Post, Private Bag 39990, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045, New Zealand. Phone: +64 6 349 1234. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, imprint blocks and value blocks.
Tonga — The Philatelic Bureau Tonga, Box 164, Nuku'alofa, Kingdom of Tonga, South Pacific. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. Orders shipped postage extra. CBC, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted. Government Agency:Philatelic Collector Inc., Box 3162, Sag Harbor, NY 11963, United States.
Trinidad & Tobago — Trinidad & Tobago Postal Corporation Limited, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies. Phone: 868 625-2121. Fax: 868 625-5530. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Tristan da Cunha — Postmaster, Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic. Details of services not provided.Government Agency: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Tunisia — La Chef du Bureau Directeur, de Tunis Recette Principale, Service Philatelique, Tunis R.P., Tunisia. Details of services not provided.
Turkey — Republic of Turkey, General Directorate of Post, Presidence of the Postal Financial, Services Deparment, Philatelic Section, TR-06101 Ankara, Turkey. Phone: 0090 312 560 53 35 or 0090 312 309 53 35. Fax: 0090 312 309 53 08. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. Government Agencies:Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus — Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Directorate of Postal Department, Philatelic Branch, Lefkosa, Mersin 10, Turkey. Phone: 0090 392 2271278. Fax: 0090 392 2288618. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $30. CBC, IMO, bank transfers (with a minimum order of $30) accepted. Government Agencies: James Davis & Sons Ltd., 45 Church St., Rickmansworth WD3 1DH, United Kingdom; Fa, Philaurope, Box 3645, D-55026 Mainz, Germany.
Turkmenistan — Philatelic Bureau, 744000 Ashkhabad, Baranov, M.I., Turkmenistan. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Turks & Caicos Islands — Philatelic Bureau, Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands, West Indies. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Tuvalu — Tuvalu Philatelic Bureau, General Post Office, Box 24, Funafuti, Tuvalu, Central Pacific. Phone: 688 20 223/224. Fax: 688 20 712. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and booklets. SODA with minimum balance of $20. CBC, BD, IBD, Visa, American Express, MasterCard accepted. Government Agencies: D & G Philatelic Inc., Box 812037, Boca Raton, FL 33481-2037, United States; Herrick Stamp Co., Box 219, Lawrence, NY 11559-0219, United States.; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Harry Allen, Broadsword House, 1-5 Brixton Road, Watford, Herts WD2 5AB, United Kingdom; Max Stern & Co., Box 997H, G.P.O., Melbourne, 3001, Australia.
Uganda — Uganda Post Ltd. Stamps Bureau, Box 7106, Kampala, Uganda. Phone: 256-41-246330 or 256-41-246359. Fax: 256-41-245597 or 256-41-232564. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $10. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted in addition to payment by check/draft. CBC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Ukraine — State Enterprise Marka Ukrainy, 22, Khreshatyk St., 252001 Kyiv, Ukraine. Phone: 380 44 226-34-93. Fax: 380 44 229-21-82. Orders shipped postage extra. IMO accepted. Government Agency: Main Post Office, 22, Khreshatyk St., 252001, Kyiv, Ukraine.
United Arab Emirates — Philatelic Bureau, General Postal Authority, Box 8888, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Phone: 9714 3071235. Fax: 9714 375561. E-mail: GPA@emirates Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks on envelopes, leaflets, and philatelic stationery materials. SODA with deposit of Dhs. 50/-. Orders shipped postage extra for stationery items; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, PC (drawn in U.A.E. banks only), IMO, IBD, Amex, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club accepted.Government Agencies: Interpost Corp., Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Axtner, Box 330144, D-80061, Munich, Germany; Lighthouse, Leuchtturm Alben-verlag GmbH & Co., Box 1340, 21495 Geesthacht, Germany; Pradip Jain, Box 128, Mithapur, Patna-800001, India; De Rosa Novedades SA, Ronda de San Pedro, 1652 a, 08010, Barcelona, Spain.
United Nations — United Nations Postal Administration, Box 5900, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163-9992, United States. Phone: 212 963-7776 or 1-800-234-UNPA. Fax: 212 963-9854. Internet E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks, and other philatelic information and material. SODA available. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted. Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
United States of America — U.S. Postal Service, Stamp Fulfillment Services, Box 419424, Kansas City, MO 64179-0997, United States. Phone: 1-800-STAMP24 (7826724). Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and other philatelic material. SODA available. Government Agency: Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Uruguay — Administracion Nacional de Correos, Division Filatelia, Buenos Aires 451, CP 11000, Montevideo, R.O. Uruguay. Phone: 916 78 63. Fax: 916 81 97 int. 15. Internet site: Deals with individual orders for mint stamps, FDCs and special postmarks or envelopes. SODA with minimum balance of $50. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, PC, IMO, IBD, USPSMO, USMO accepted.
Uzbekistan — Ministry of Communications, A. Tolstoy St., 1 Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Details of services not provided.
Vanuatu — Philatelic Section, Post Office, Port-Vila, Vanuatu, South Pacific. Details of services not provided.Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Vatican City — Ufficio Filatelico, Governatorato 00120, Vatican City. Details of services not provided.
Venezuela — Instituto Postal Telegrafico de Venezuela, Oficina Filatelica Nacional, Apartado 4080, Caracas, 1010-A Venezuela. Details of services not provided.
Vietnam — Vietnam Stamp Corp., 14 Tran Hung Dao St., Hanoi, Vietnam. Phone: 844 825-3670. Fax: 844 826-9917. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes and other philatelic information and material. SODA with minimum balance of $100. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, PC, IMO, IBD accepted. Also handles Chinese and Hungarian stamps.Government Agency: Interpost, Box 400, Hewlett, NY 11557-0420, United States; Japan Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 96, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8668, Japan.
Wallis & Futuna Islands — Service des Postes et Telecom-unications, Section Philatelique, B.P. 00, Mata-Utu, Futuna, Wallis & Futuna Islands, South Pacific. Details of services not provided.
Western Samoa — Manager Philatelic Bureau, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Chief Post Office, Apia, Western Samoa, South Pacific. Details of services not provided. Government Agency: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States.
Yemen — Director General of the General Corporation of Posts and Postal Savings, Philatelic Bureau, Stamps Department, Box 1993, Sana'a, Republic of Yemen. Details of services not provided.
Yugoslavia — Jugomarka, Palmoticeva 2/V, Belgrade 11000, Yugoslavia. Phone: 1-800-443-3232. Fax: 1-800-628-3123. E-mail: Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery and maxicards. SODA with deposit of $10. Orders shipped postage extra. Minimum of four stamps per order. CBC, PC, IMO, USPSMO USMO accepted.
Zaire — National Office of Posts and Telecommunications, Box 7984, Kinshasa 1, Republic of Zaire; or Campo-Rodan, rue du Lombard 9, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Agences Philateliques Gouvernemen-tales, Chaussee de Waterloo 868/870, 1180 Brussels, Belgium. Details of services not provided.
Zambia — Philatelic Bureau, Box 71857, Ndola, Zambia. Phone: 260 261-3837. Fax: 260 261-4831. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, plate number and inscription blocks and pictorial and embossed aerogrammes. SODA with minimum balance of $15. CBC, IMO, IBD accepted.Government Agencies: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp., 460 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001, United States; Crown Agents Stamp Bureau, 3rd Floor, St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EL, United Kingdom.
Zil Elwannyen Sesel — Philatelic Bureau, Box 60, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles, Indian Ocean. Details of services not provided.
Zimbabwe — Posts and Telecommunication Corp., Philatelic Bureau, Box 4220, Harare, Zimbabwe. Phone: 263 477-3266. Fax: 263 473-1901/2. Deals with individual orders for mint and CTO stamps, FDCs, postal stationery, special postmarks or envelopes, plate number and inscription blocks and other items. SODA with minimum balance of Z$50. Orders shipped postage extra; IRCs accepted. CBC, BD, IBD accepted.
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